So, about yesterdays appointment, and whats going on... As you - TopicsExpress


So, about yesterdays appointment, and whats going on... As you will recall, the treatment plan was 6 doses after reaching negative tumor markers. I first hit negative 2 months ago, and have had two doses since then. It has been one full month since the last dose, however. My marrow has still not bounced back to minimal safe function. For those keeping score at home, white cell counts are stuck at 2.4-2.6. Hemoglobin is stuck at 9.2-9.4. Hematocrits not budging at 29. Platelet counts are 66-67. Significant to substantial anemia, all around. After a good, judicious, discussion of the risks and benefits, heres the new treatment plan: 1) No chemo courses for the next month. 2) Since its been a full month already since the last dose, repeat the PET scan on Friday, to see what the retroperitoneal mass looks like now. Results... Tuesday? 3) Decrease blood cell count checks to weekly. 4) Decrease tumor marker (HCG) checks to biweekly. 5) Reassess in 1 month. At that time, the key questions are: 1) Does my marrow recover any significant degree further? If so, fine; if not, a bone marrow biopsy becomes a good idea, to see if theres permanent damage done (and if so, how much). 2) If I recover, how much function do I get back from todays plateau? Is it enough to even consider resuming chemotherapy to get the recommended four more doses? Is it enough to make surgery possible, if my PET scan suggests it ought to happen? 3) If chemo needs doing, what adjustments are necessary to minimize further marrow damage, and avoid permanent damage? 4) Is surgery an OK idea, a good idea, a necessary thing, or imprudent? Plans to follow accordingly. We are working now on trying to get an appointment with MD Andersons team to get further input on all of these questions. Their recommended regimen seems to have been very effective, with a lower side-effect rate than my first set of doses. But were now at the point where side effects and possible permanent effects are again A Thing. SO... we need to make course corrections. Thats what I have today. A respite, of sorts, for a month, but with a substantial amount of recovery necessary before I can go much further. I tire more easily, get winded quicker than I would like. Visor down; game on!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:13:20 +0000

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