So according to some of the MOST ignorance on my timeline, Michael - TopicsExpress


So according to some of the MOST ignorance on my timeline, Michael Brown had what was coming to him because he fought an officer/resisted its justifiable that he be shot DEAD?! Not apprehended, but killed. After being shot MULTIPLE times and at a distance that wasnt immediately life threatening to the officer? So let me tell you a story, one evening I was on my way home from my sisters house. Spent the night and was going home to get ready for work. It was about 4am. I was tired, and sometimes have trouble night driving so my high beams were on. After exiting the highway and turning the corner, I was right behind an officer. He started to slow down, perhaps because of my lights, so I got over and continued my route. He followed me all the way home, and as I parked in front if my house, turned my car off and opened the door, he put his lights on. Frustrated, I was asking what is the problem, what did I do. He never gave me an answer, he kept asking for my ID. Never would tell me why I was pulled over, did I have the right to know? After about a minute of questioning I say to him, I feel like Im being treated unfairly, asked his name, he gave it to me, then i took out my phone and said Im calling the department to report you harassing me when I didnt do anything. Not to mention it was creepy to follow me home at 4am. He stood there, as i googled the number and as soon as I dialed he CHARGED me. Completely blindsided, hit me, smashed my phone, him against me. I curled up in defense and he kept pulling my hair, my arms to arrest me. AFTER I was in handcuffs he cursed at me and MASED me. After taking me to the police station and after I received medical attention, he served me with 4 tickets! 1 for failure to yield at an emergency vehicle. Another for running a stop sign. Another for assault on an officer and resisting. SERIOUSLY! All because I was going to call the dept on him? Or was it because of who I was? And to add insult to injury my mom witnessed the entire thing. Screaming, crying, calling more police to the scene. According to some of my so called friends, he had the right to kill me. Because I was resisting arrest right? I should be dead if he just made 1 more poor judgment call that night? But believe me, i got a lawyer and I fought as hard as I could for light to come to what happened to me. It didnt make me lose respect for all police. It didnt make me hate them. It was an isolated event that killed me inside to see how my word or my account meant NOTHING against him. Even with my moms word that was virtually identical to my claim. So I never EVER questioned a cop again. Was that the lesson I was suppose to learn? Not to question my rights or his motives? My last visit to St Louis, i was pulled over 4 times. Not for any violations...but I was in a predominantly white neighborhood (I got an apt there) and each time, after the where are you going/coming from questions and after seeing my pregnant belly I was let go...each time! So was that racial profiling? Or again, was that deserved? A black female in a gray suv seems suspicious? Look. I know this post is long, and I know many wont read it. Im ok with that. But regardless of my experiences, Ive never felt ill towards law enforcement or people of different races. I truly do love everyone. But i just hate some of the DISGUSTING comments and stats Ive seen from people who never stepped foot in my home city, and who are privileged so they never can say theyve experienced anything close to what I have. Id never wish this on my worst enemy. To be treated as an animal. But they just dont understand. May God have mercy and bless the lost souls of this world.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:11:24 +0000

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