So after 6 hours in ER, we got home, did meds and put little one - TopicsExpress


So after 6 hours in ER, we got home, did meds and put little one to bed. Pulse ox was still low. I thought... this stupid machine has got to be broken. Kenny realized we couldnt hear her oxygen coming out like we usually can. We hooked her up to a tank and her pulse ox came up. So yeah, you guessed it... Oxygen concentrator is to blame. I called the on call person to say we needed a new one ASAP. One tank only lasts about 4 hours with the amount of oxygen Emma is on. They walked me through a few checks over the phone. Funny thing, the lid on the bubble humidifier wasnt screwed on exactly right thus causing an air leak. So poor child was getting no oxygen and that is why her sats were down. All because of a tiny leak in the bubble humidifier. Wow! Good news is Emma did pretty dang good considering she was getting no oxygen. Emmas care is very time consuming and complicated. It takes hours each week cleaning the medical equipment according to their standard procedures. There is a million and one things that can go wrong at any minute. It is a lot of pressure and stress to care for her. Always wondering if you made a mistake. I tell a lot of first time moms not to stress about being perfect. I tell them the sooner they realize they are going to screw up their child, the better off they will be. With Emma, the stakes are a little higher. Instead of letting her eat too much candy or letting her watch too much tv, there are mistakes like giving her the wrong medication or depriving her of oxygen for hours accidentally. This puts a lot of pressure on those that care for her. However, the lesson is the same. You are going to make mistakes and you will learn from those mistakes. Do the best you can, love her with all your heart, and apologize when you make a mistake. I guarantee my daughter will learn more from that then she will from me striving to be the perfect mother. Be real. Be honest. Be weak. Be humble. The rest will fall into place. Pray I take my own advice tonight and not be too hard on myself.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:36:35 +0000

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