So after a failed attempt at working tonight I am on my way home, - TopicsExpress


So after a failed attempt at working tonight I am on my way home, heading down rte 70 in that dreaded township those of us that commute 70 know all to well. Just hit cruising speed on the bike put my leg up on the engine guard hit cruise control lean back against the rider back rest and fold my hands on my stomach. Just enjoying the road. BUMP BUMP BUMP! Talking to my Son which I often do when I am alone. When whoop whoop blinking lights sirens I look down I am doing the speed limit. What the hell did I do now. So I pull over. The Officer walks up to me very polite and says Sir do you know why I pulled you over. I replied honestly officer no I don’t was I speeding? He says no you were driving with no hands. I replied I am sorry I honestly did not know there was a law against that since they teach you how to in the MSF advanced course offered by the state of NJ. He then asked have you been drinking. I replied no I was at work, what would make you ask that. He said you were talking to yourself and I do not see a Bluetooth. I replied Officer this may sound weird but I was not talking to myself I was talking to my Son. I don’t get much time alone with him. When I am on the Bike it is my solitude my chance to talk to him without being interrupted. He looked at me puzzled and said so you were on the phone. I said no Sir my Son passed away in October. Every now and then when I am out here alone I see a sign or an image flashes through my mind. That’s how I know when My Son wants me to talk to him. The Officer seemed a little put off by this but without delay he asked me to sit tight took my papers back to his car. Returning a moment later he hands me my paperwork back and says I apologize Sir and please pass my respects to your Son. I was a little confused. So I ask not that I am not appreciative but what changed your mind? He says well when I turned to walk to the car I looked up to see a truck with a picture of angle soft ad on the back. This made me chuckle but when I got to the car he said my cousin called my cell phone His name is Angel. The final straw was when I started typing your info into the computer and the dam thing locked up on me. Maybe this was a coincidence or maybe this was something else but im a god fearing man and I am taking this as a sign that you are telling the truth and your Son is with you. For whatever reason he does not want you to get this ticket tonight. Who am I to argue with a Guardian Angel? As he said this tears started running down both of our faces. Must have been a odd site a biker and a cop tearing up on the side of the road in the middle of a traffic stop. He turned and walked back to his car giving me a quick wave he pulled of. I gathered my self for a moment and continued my trip home. A moment later it started to rain very slightly just enough for Billy to let me know he was tearing up too. Folks I have never before met this Officer and at risk of causing him issue I will not release his name. However I will say thank you . You reinforced something I already new. Quite possibly returning a faith to me I lost along time ago or at least pointing me in the right direction. Sir you know who you are and if you would let me I will buy the coffee next time we run into each other at WAWA.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 02:59:19 +0000

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