So after about 10 months of going to court every other month or - TopicsExpress


So after about 10 months of going to court every other month or so, I finally received a decision today for dropping a cigarette butt outside of club Revolver in Scottsdale. They gave me a $197 fine, and a class 2 misdemeanor. You dont even get a misdemeanor for reckless driving; when one is in a position to kill a lot of people with an uncontrollable car, but whatever... So after court, I decided to go through a few newsletters, and find a different home, or state. Heres what someone said about Arizona: Arizona is SO racist. Extremely, racist. I am African-American and what Im about to tell you is 100% true with ZERO exaggeration. First off, according to the U.S. Department of Labor and Census, there is only 5% black population and we DOUBLE the unemployment rate. That right there should tell you something. I hold 3 college degrees: B.A. in History, B.A. in English, and a Masters degree in Education. It is EXTREMELY hard for me to find work. Ive been out of work for almost 7 weeks now. I have submitted my resume over 200 times. My resume is chock full of experience and education. Ive been contacted by employers and been granted a phone interview. I am always practically hired over the phone (I sound white), then told to come to the office to fill out my new hire paper work. Ill get there and all of a sudden the position has been filled. White people who see me show up always have that same look on their faces. Its a look of, Oh no. Youre BLACK? And their eyes look very, very cold and unfriendly. It is what black people know as the look. We will get the look when white people do not like us (for no reason). Ive been turned down for jobs that I qualify for and over qualify for. Again, hired over the phone, but turned down in person. Ive been in stores and supermarkets where the white cashiers are nice to the people in front of me, but when it is my turn to be waited on, I get NO greeting, NO smiles, and NO Did you find everything ok? like the previous customers in front of me get. I was in Sears a few years ago looking for underwear. I asked the cashier if she could direct me. I said, Im looking for cotton underwear. She said, Ha. You people are still in the cotton? I was shocked to say the least. My mom has been turned down when trying to rent a house. She has had to get her white husband (at the time) to get the house. Yes. She parked around the corner and sent her white husband to inquire about the house, he was approved immediately and when my mom showed up the next day with her husband to get the keys, the white land lord had eyes of anger! She had turned down my mom the day before. My brother has been hired over the phone and denied employment once he arrived. The man gave my brother the look once he arrived. I can go on and on and on. Arizona is the most racist state ever. If I could move, I would. The moment I find work, I am going to some how save and get the hell out of here. If I DONT find work and I lose the roof over my head---I will leave this state and be homeless somewhere ELSE. I will start over somewhere ELSE. It very, very sad. thumbs upthumbs down +51Every other border state has a hispanic majority except this one, thanks to the aggressive enforcement of highly racist immigration laws. The supporters of these laws, like Jan Brewer and Joe Arpaio, are elected consistently. The states border enforcement strategy is centered around forcing illegals to enter the country through the Sonoran Desert, where many die. The state has persecuted those who attempt to provide aid to the dying, making Arizona the only State to actively and legally encourage the slow death by dehydration of Hispanics. Not even the deep south can claim that. thumbs upthumbs down +54Arizona was the last state to accept martin luther king day as a holiday. Ten years after evey other state did. thumbs upthumbs down
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:37:16 +0000

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