So after last nights protest shenanigans, like smashing Whole - TopicsExpress


So after last nights protest shenanigans, like smashing Whole Foods, I thought about safe ways to stop the Smashies. The Smashies are taking the steam out of the movement and turning the peaceful meaningful protest into meaningless vandalism. Sadly for the movement, the media focuses only on the negative. I learned that the Smashies have organized into their own faction and now attack protesters who attempt to stop them! Furthermore, a few folks I spoke with feel the Smashies are undercover police doing the smashing in order to instigate unlawful protest and begin kettling and mass arrests. These same folk also dislike police and support protesters right to express their rage at racial oppression. Bit of a conundrum if you ask me. To kinda support rage smashing of businesses and yet be anti-agent provocateurs. Cant have it both ways. By that argument, all Smashies are potential agent provocateurs and therein should be stopped and expelled from the protest. The peaceniks need a way to safely stop the Smashies. How do we do this? Water balloons. More specifically water balloons filled with bright pink/orange/yellow paint. If each peaceful protester simply filled 3-4 balloons with water soluble tempura paint and then when they see a Smashie in action, the peaceful collective (vast majority) huck their balloons at the Smashie/s. Jeering, derision, humiliation, and ridicule are encouraged and the paint pelted neer-do-wells are excised from the protest like the festering tumors they are. Bring a bucket of paint bombs to help stop the vandals. Nothing good comes from Smashies. #takeaballoon #nomoresmashies #stopthelooters #smashthesmashies #oaklandprotest #berkeleyprotest thevagabondadventures/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Playing-the-pigeon-statue-throwing-paint-balloon-game-at-In-the-Woods-Festival-Paint-balloon-ammunition.jpg
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:31:21 +0000

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