So after losing some weight in the past few months, I present to - TopicsExpress


So after losing some weight in the past few months, I present to you my findings on: [The Vicious Weight Cycle] 1. How many of you have enjoyed holiday season house buffets till youre nearing implosion levels and went back to weigh yourself only to find +0.1kgs?! (after the shit). 2. So feeling all excited, you say, Yay, my metabolism rocks. I can eat! Say 3 days of open houses. 3. The next week, you say, Oh damn, Im feeling new cellulite. Time to workout.. 4. Youre all pumped and workout for one day and proceed to weigh yourself (after the piss) to find that theres NO.DAMN.DIFFERENCE. 5. Screw this workout, workout also no point! *workout stress* Makan je lah... Om nom nom for the next 2 days. 2 week net gain: 0.2x3 - 0.1 + 0.1x2 = +0.7kgs Lesson: One of the missing links (for me) was understanding the 1 week lag. Meaning last weeks Nasi Lemak will come back for your ass (literally) this week. Workout today, lose next week. No shortcuts, no pills. Just sweat, food control, patience and em, math? P.S: NO, Im not selling Herbs for ya life. I did however take eggs, lotsa eggs! Unless you want eggs..?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:48:47 +0000

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