So, after months of joking/not joking about moving to Australia, I - TopicsExpress


So, after months of joking/not joking about moving to Australia, I have had an epiphany: This is MY country. I LOVE my country. My ancestors, and yours, left horrible conditions in other countries to risk their lives in the unknown, in an age where they werent sure they would even get here, to provide for a better world for YOU and ME to live in. A life with freedom, liberty, opportunity and prosperity. A life where they could worship freely, without GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, and where they could work hard and rise up and prosper from their HARD WORK. We are a disgrace, rolling over and letting ourselves be run over, paying more attention to our pleasures and recreation, than to our ever growing government and their intrusiveness in our lives and the loss of our freedoms, one by one. Our forefathers would be ASHAMED of us all. So, back to my epiphany: I will not leave the perceived sinking ship! I will fight with my dying breath to educate myself, educate others and make my voice known, to fight for MY COUNTRY and for the freedoms that everyone who bled and died to protect, remain free! Join me!!!! https://youtube/watch?v=Q65KZIqay4E
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:32:43 +0000

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