So after my interview I recieved this email I get em all the time - TopicsExpress


So after my interview I recieved this email I get em all the time this is why I do what I do! Hi Jeff, Im 58 and in pretty rough shape. Ive tried so many natural remedies/treatments but nothing seems to really help my situation. Ive been studying alternative/natural remedies for nearly 20 years, so Im not new to the subject. I have had naso-phangeal cancer and miraculously survived. I was placed in a nursing home back in 2008 when doctors here declared me to be terminal with no more than 2 weeks to live. They even advised my family and the nursing home staff to not bother feeding me through a feeding tube I had in at the time. Needless to say, I didnt cooperate with their attempt to euthanize me. My story is complex and pretty convoluted, with one last attempt to allow a U.S. doctor at none other than George Washington University Hospital in DC to effect a surgical repair of my radiation damaged palate. He promised immediate follow-up surgery to do a reconstruction of my tongue, nerve injured by a local dentist a year before I even finally submitted to radiation after trying every natural remedy out there. This dental nerve injury locked my jaw shut and caused my tongue to swell so much that I was no longer able to eat solid foods...and again, this was a year before it got much worse after radiation treatment. You would not believe the extreme pain Ive endured...not bad now though. But heres the issue. Ever since all this, Ive had constantly flowing saliva, heavy mucous flow from the mouth and especially the sinuses. But this doctor in DC basically pinned my palate closed and after the surgery, the morning after, while I was still in the hospital, he kicked me to the curb stating that he wasnt going to risk any further surgery and beyond the one month follow-up, Ive never gone back. The last thing he said as I was showing him how much worse his surgery had made my speech, and the misery of having no exit now for all of the fluid build-up in my sinuses, was, Give it a few months, and if its a problem, make an appointment. A far cry from his original promises, Well do the palate surgery, let you heal for about 4 weeks, bring you back in for the tongue reconstruction, etc. When I thought I had finally found a doctor who not only cared enough to treat me, let alone promise that he could make serious improvements, at 57-years old, I happy. That happiness just turned to severe disappointment and I just cant risk going to another U.S. doctor again, especially being put under by one to let them do whatever they wish with no way to object. Ive often thought of seeking real medical care, even DNA-based cellular re-activation, to literally cause the DNA to rebuild things as they were originally intended to be...theyre doing that now at a place in Pittsburgh.....but do I risk it? Frankly, Id rather trust a doctor in Russia at this point....or anywhere else. But heres my question: I think Id like to try some cannabis oil to see if it can clear up what I think is a chronic bacterial infection in my lungs, sinuses, and even my right ear due to the constant existence of liquid food materials and saliva/mucous that is constantly sitting around in my sinuses, ear canal, and especially my lungs from a little bit of aspiration, I think. They could probably give me an anti-bacterial of some sort....Ive thought of having blood tests to confirm what exactly I have, but I have been so incredibly weak and fatigued since the intentionally botched surgery last April of 2013, that I dont feel like Im going to be around much longer. I really am a stubborn survivor, Jeff, but my fear of U.S. doctors at this point is causing me to feel like I have little choice here. I dont have any actual pot to smoke right now, and might be able to afford some out of next months soc. sec. disability check, but its expensive and sure doesnt last long...haha. I used to smoke quite a bit of pot for over 30 years before all of this. But about this cannabis oil.....I keep seeing hemp oil, or hemp seed oil...but Im wondering if they have the right ingredient in it. Is there a difference between hemp oil and real cannabis oil?...I suspect there is. But my lungs are in critical condition and as I say, I believe without a doubt that I am suffering from a long-term infection.....always coughing up thick, white globs...definitely infection....and its probably what is causing my extreme weakness...battling a long-term infection like this. I have a nebulizer that you put right into your mouth and I use it for colloidal silver, and other stuff, but if you have any suggestion as to exactly what kind of cannabis-based oil or other cannabis-related thing that might help the infection in my lungs, well as my sinuses, man, I would appreciate you wouldnt believe. If you feel you might want to forward this email to anyone that might have any suggestions, too, please feel free. Especially if anyone has any suggestions in regard to futuristic re-structuring of the damage these doctors have done. I know thats a long-shot, but mainly, what is the best cannabis-based product to try. God bless you, Jeff......I hope you can help.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:43:38 +0000

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