So after the massive shit pile known as Robocop, it just shows you - TopicsExpress


So after the massive shit pile known as Robocop, it just shows you how bad hollywood remakes can be. However during the course of cinema, there has been countless remakes. Which ones shine over each other? I will be counting down my top 10 favorite hollywood remakes, this counts for both movies and television shows keep in mind. 10. The Departed: So were kicking off this list of remakes with The Departed, the film that won Martin Scorsese his much deserved Oscar for Best Director and for Best Picture in 2006. This film contains a fantastic cast including Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nickleson, Matt Damon and Mark Walberg. And we get a ganster epic full of all the things we love in a scorsese film, swears, violence, a smart and powerful film. If the ending didnt disappoint I would have loved the shit out of this film. 9. Alice in Wonderland: Johnny Depp steals the entire show in this Tim Burton remake of the classic disney film. Yes the entire movie does have its flaws, some more than others but its still a fun ride throughout with Johnny Depp giving one of his best performances of his career. 8. 3:10 to Yuma. Here we have a bloody, violent and awesome retelling of the classic 50s western this time starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. Both are great in this movie but Crowe shines above everyone with being a great villain whos also charming and yet so so evil. The ending gun right is worth watching the entire movie. 7. The Bourne Identity: Matt Damon kicks ass in this spy film. Being smatter than the other spy films to date, its fast paced, intense and a good time at the theaters! Better than most of the James Bond films and definitely better than any of the mission impossibles. 6. King Kong: Peter Jacksons retelling of the giant ape who gets dragged into New York City does loose points from its 180 minute runtime, but the awesome visual effects, some great and well made action sequences then acting (especially from Jack Black) make this a wonder time and proves Jackson can do more than Middle-Earth. 5. 21 Jump Street: This is a television remake from the original 70s TV show and it was the best comedy of 2012. I laughed out loud so many times to the point where my chest started to hurt. Channing Tatum and Johan Hill are fantastic on screen and I cant wait for the sequel. 4. Oceans Eleven: Containing one of the greatest cast ever put to film including George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Don Cheadle, Bernine Mac and so many more. A great heights movie with so many memorable and ridiculous scenes in the actual heights. The characters are fun to watch and they really grow on you throughout the film. 3. Casino Royale: The remake of the old James Bond movies, Daniel Craig kills it as James Bond. To me, better than San Connery. Its an origin story on how he became James Bond, it was really interesting seeing that he wasnt an unstoppable secret agent his entire life and its sequel Skyfall was one of the best action/sequels/spy movies I have ever seen. Thank you Casino Royale for making James Bond fun to watch! 2. Star Trek: Im not a huge fan of the original series, it was stupid cheep and the acting was awful. But here we have some of the best visual effects I have ever seen, great action and the acting improves 10 fold! Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are perfect for Kirk and Spock and I just the freakin shit out of the movie, one of the best films of 2009. and my pick for the best remake ever is....Batman Begins! Yes Christopher Nolans retelling of the dark knight is a dark, chilling, epic and richly done story. Christian Bale is great as Batman, my personal favorite and I really cant tell you anymore than that. It was one of the best movies from the 2000s and my all time favorite remake! Whats your favorite hollywood remake? Comment below and let me know! Hopefully Godzilla wont end up like Robocop, seriously, I will kill someone if that happens. Pray with me and lets hope for the best!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 22:13:32 +0000

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