So, am I reading all of this correctly? The ATTA was actually sold - TopicsExpress


So, am I reading all of this correctly? The ATTA was actually sold twice? Once to some anonymous buyer and then later to IPHF? Well, it really does not matter. We will never know the whole story because they are not required to tell it. I can accept that. What I know for sure today is that the diagonal horse owners (and everyone else except those involved) were repeatedly lied to and/or intentionally mislead by the leaders of ATTA and/or IPHF. The timelines are fuzzy and they were/are private corporations so of course I do not know who did what when. What I do know for certain is that a person who lies is a liar. And, past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. It has taken about 5 years or so for some of the truth to come out which I knew it would eventually. My horses have taught me patience and steady perseverance and the Universe has rewarded me for it. The Judgments I leave to their Gods. I know as much as I need to know and I am done. Oh, and the letter I wrote to Confepaso was at the request of both Carlos Tobon via Diego Bravo. I personally e-mailed my letter to each Confepaso officer and delegate, in both Spanish and English. At the time, I believed, based on what I was told, that I was doing the right thing for the diagonals. I recognized a long time ago that it was a mistake on my part. I would like to add that a long while back, I expressed my regret and my error in judgment to Confepaso through my Confepaso delegate and I apologized to them for my mistake. I also expressed my appreciation to PFHA for allowing the diagonals the privilege of being shown in PFHA shows. I believe my apology was accepted. As Maya Angleou says When I knew better, I did better. I made the mistake of being naïve but I am less so now. As for the youtube video I shared on my personal page of Linda Parelli, if you are at all interested, you may view it and the comments on my page. I have left the settings public. You see, I believe this to be true to my core: People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. I still and always will be passionate about the horses I love, the Paso horses. I will protect them and I will continue to be their advocate and their voice. But, as to the rest, I am finished. To the Paso Finos owners who are reading this, please protect your PFHA breed association, get involved, vote! The following is a previous post: Facebook friends, I am happy to share this letter with you I received today from Mr. Diego Bravo. I appreciate him clarifying some information. This is the first time anyone associated with ATTA or IPHF has admitted in writing that the ATTA registry was indeed purchased. The rest of the letter speaks for itself. ~Becky • Diego Bravo (diegobrav@gmail) • Subject: Diego Bravo: I request a correction of information and apology for what you posted on facebook on March 16/2014 • Today at 1:41 PM To • CriaderoHidalgo . • Date: Wednesday March 19, 2014 1:14 pm • Mrs. Rebecca Anderson. I was so surprised to have seen the letter that you posted on Facebook about PFHA and ATTA on 03-16/2014. FYI, when ATTA and IPHF merged (which happened many years ago), I was not the President of ATTA, but just an ATTA certified Judge. I became ATTA President when I was asked to do so by IPHF President, Mr. Bob Spence, in January 2013, after Mr. Carlos Tobon had resigned this position. Also, Ms. Millie Arent was not a ATTA BOD member at that time. In fact, I do not think she has ever been an ATTA BOD member. I think that you are not only misleading the public (for not to say lying) about certain facts, based on your personal feelings and emotions, but also hurting the reputation of many people before confirming the information. The fact is that IPHF had nothing to do with the original purchase of ATTA! It was initially purchased by an individual who wished to remain anonymous, whose only purpose was to help the Diagonal Paso Breeds in the United States by setting the two goals listed below. Note that the few ATTA members at that time, including you, perfectly knew this plan: 1. Saving ATTA from disappearing due to the financial deficit at that time. Members stopped supporting ATTA: They neither came to the membership meetings any more nor renewed their membership. 2. Doing all possible efforts to get a chair for ATTA in the CONFEPASO Board of Directors and continue to promote/protect the Diagonal Paso horse breeds in the USA. Although this goal was not accomplished, at least PFHA accepted the Diagonal Paso horses to be shown in the Regional shows and the National Championship. Before that, ATTA had accomplished that PFHA accepted Diagonal Pasos to be shown in some regional shows as “Judged Exhibitions”, that I used to judge and explain the placing in order to educate the public about these horse breeds. After the person who had rescued ATTA decided the second goal for the Association could not be achieved at that time, ATTA was entrusted to IPHF to safeguard the integrity of the Registry. After the merger of the two associations, ATTA became the “Registry Branch” of IPHF for Diagonal Paso horses, where these horse breeds are still being registered and such registry is the only one accepted for Diagonal Pasos in The USA by CONFEPASO. And, in case you have forgotten, you have continued to register your Diagonal Paso horses with ATTA, even after the merger. On the other hand, I am so surprised to notice how much you have changed your objects of love and hate. I remember when you used to write letters to CONFEPASO (that I was able to read personally), in which, to say the least, you stated that PFHA did not represent/protect the Paso horse breeds properly, because they neither judged Paso Finos based on international breed standards nor did they accept the Diagonal Paso horses to be shown. In fact, you wrote those letters and provided them to the ATTA staff to be used in the CONFEPASO meetings when the BOD chair for ATTA issue was going to be discussed. Nevertheless, all the hard work that ATTA and IPHF have done in protecting and supporting the Diagonal Paso breeds in the USA, at different times and in different media, you have been attacking and judging the people who have done their best efforts and using their personal time to promote the Diagonal Pasos (because no one has been paid for doing it), just for their love for these fantastic horse breeds. In case you have memory problems and want to confirm the truth on the information above, feel free to contact Mrs. Lori Perez at [email protected] I still do not understand why you feel the right to judge these people you mentioned in your post. Have you worked harder than they to promote the Paso horses? Have you even accomplished more than they have? But, sadly, you not only attack ATTA and IPHF people; I saw your post on Facebook from 01-27-14 saying that accomplished rider and acclaimed natural horsemanship educator, Mrs. Linda Parelli, is a “Fraud”. I guess you can do better than her... You are certainly dangerous with your words!!! In summary, I request you to make the proper corrections to the letter posted on Facebook on 03-16-2014 (and any other media where it was posted/published) and write a satisfactory apologize to all the people you listed in it. But in case you decide not do it in the next 48 hours, sadly, I will have the responsibility to post on Facebook this letter I am sending to you. Sincerely, Diego Bravo Sharing...Sharing this letter written by PFHA President, Lee Vulgaris. He makes several good points particularly about supporting PFHA because they support us, the owners of Paso Finos. He even says to think of our membership as a donation if we believe PFHA does nothing for us. As an owner of Paso Finos (and diagonals), I cannot stress enough how lucky we Paso Fino owners are in the USA because we have an organization like PFHA representing us! We are lucky to have a vote! We are lucky to have access to the Treasury/budget, and lucky to have transparency based on a written Constitution and By Laws. We are lucky to have the avenue open to us to submit Rule Change Proposals for the membership to vote upon. We are lucky to have a publication like the Paso Fino Horse World magazine and we are lucky to have an up to date, modern website and Members only area. We are extremely lucky to have the wonderfully thorough and accurate online bloodlines database at our beck and call! DO NOT SQUANDER this by letting PFHA go under due to a lack of funds! It will destroy years and years of progress which we will never be able to get back! SUPPORT PFHA! The Trote y Galope and Trocha Pura breed organization, the American Trote and Trocha Association (ATTA) has NEVER been owned or managed by the owners in this country. We cannot elect our Board of Directors or Officers. In fact, we have no breed organization anymore. The American Trote and Trocha Association (ATTA) does not exist anymore as a Breed organization or as an incorporated entity. It is a Registry only, a paper registry, nothing more. ATTA was merged with IPHF, the International Paso Horse Federation, several years ago which is also privately owned and managed. The diagonal horse owners NEVER got to vote on this merger. It was done behind closed doors, in the dark, by the then ATTA President, Diego Bravo, then ATTA Sec and Registrar, Lori Perez and then BOD member, Millie Arent, none of whom were ever elected by the owners of diagonals. The IPHF people involved were then IPHF President, Marcia Davis, Sec Sheila Spence, and Treasurer Tony Coleman. None of those people have ever owned or bred diagonal Paso horses and yet they were able to take over the ATTA registry without the vote of the owners of diagonal Paso horses. IPHF is an organization that is a private corporation, not for profit and earns its income from the ATTA registrations and transfers and from the shows they put on. Today, the owners of diagonals do not have a vote on how IPHF or the Registry are managed. There is no member elected President or Board of Directors. It is a pathetic situation. DO NOT let PFHA become this! Support PFHA! If you own or love Paso Finos, please support your breed association, the PFHA! It is so much better than the alternative, which is to have the breed organization controlled privately or to have it be non-existent!À
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:28:28 +0000

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