So an odd thing happened today as I woke up... I woke up to - TopicsExpress


So an odd thing happened today as I woke up... I woke up to hearing monks chanting in my mind and I still remember their chant. Interesting... Also on a side note I was asked what those water jugs are for and how to do the same. Below is a guide on how to do this. Those jars you see are intention water jars. To do this you want to do the following: 1. Filter your water with reverse osmosis , and then add minerals back into them after. 2. Since water stores memory of intention and the molecular structure changes based on an intention / vibration / or an image. You can then bless water by putting into glass containers applying a label, hold the jug of water between your hands and stating in your mind or outloud, i prefer outloud what its purpose is here to do, thus programming it. 3. Set the intention: I do something like this for love Thank you water, I love you water, Your purpose is for all who drink you to provide unconditional love to, so they may feel what it is truly like to receive. 4. The color of the glass just enhances this due to the color rays of chakras, so i got colored glass. 5. Never drain the jug completely, always keep alittle in there because water has memory and will talk to all of the new water and let it know its purpose as well, but with each new water added still hold it between your hands and provide it love and thanks and its purpose just to add that many prayer and intention to the overall dialog of the water. 6. You can even take it a step further and charge the water deeply by placing a crystal of your choice within the water. And that is it. Just set intention to your water so you can get the full benefit of it. It is amazing the things water will do for you once you understand it is a part of you, a good 70-80% of you :). And if this works with water, imagine the intentions we set within our body and the negative emotions we hold within our selves. Say only good things about your self right now, I am serious. Try this just once. Close your eyes and state the following outloud: I am Love I am Light I am Peace I am Joy I am abundance I am abundant I am Truth I am Free Say that all with passion and feeling. Then feel the way your body feels after you state this, you will or should feel chills or vibrations, this is your body communicating with you letting you know it thanks you for acknowledging your full power and awareness of self.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:22:21 +0000

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