So, anyway, there is an APPLICATION for a LIVE BERTH for the new - TopicsExpress


So, anyway, there is an APPLICATION for a LIVE BERTH for the new VESSEL that came in. This is not off-the-wall stuff. The Old Testament and New Testament refer to us as VESSELS. It calls us VESSELS! So, Mom DELIVERED a biological entity into the hands of the State Official who had a LICENSE and a BOND. And based on that, there was an APPLICATION for a LIVE BERTH filled out and there was a TRUST situation set up—a Foreign Situs Trust. Now that TRUST was funded by… (you see a trust that has nothing in it is not a trust at all…) …so the TRUST was funded by the INTERNATIONAL. And they placed in 1933 dollars… what they did was, going back, consult the LIFE INSURANCE PEOPLE, checked the ACTUARIAL TABLE, and came up with a dollar value for a person’s life for about $680,000. So the $680,000 was applied to the FOREIGN SITUS TRUST, whereupon they used that $680,000 to start LEVERAGING and rolling the money like they always do, and creating a HUGE FUND. Now remember what we were talking about last night, all these Applications for Live Berth were put into a POOL. It’s a POOLING FUND, it’s a procedure, its a GHOST ACCOUNT—it’s a TRANSITION ACCOUNT. Its not like a deposit account that you’re thinking about, but it was an ACCOUNT. Now the reason why we know its $680,000 for your birth is because you are allowed what? —well you just have to look at what is the DEATH EXEMPTION? In the States its $680K.—When you die, there’s $680,000 that is TAX EXEMPT on an estate. So we just did a little bit of reverse engineering and came up with that number for the Live Berth. Now, probably, it doesn’t make any difference, but in today’s world, that amount is more like $2 million. Anyway, some value is placed into the FOREIGN SITUS TRUST by some “foreigner”. In my opinion it is probably the IMF – The International Monetary Fund. But in any event, the TITLE of this TRUST is your ALL CAP LETTER NAME. You could probably operate with this Trust for your whole life. There is no reason to go anywhere else. You could basically operate your whole life based on this TRUST and this Trust alone. But typically what happens is in the UNITED STATES, and in CANADA, the same way, somebody comes along and makes an offer. In our case, the UNITED STATES offered LIMITED LIABILITY INSURANCE for payment of DEBT. So they offered a BENEFIT PRIVILEGE of LIMITED LIABILITY INSURANCE. You understand LIMITED LIABILITY INSURANCE?—maybe not. But I will get to that in just a second. So they offered the BENEFIT PRIVILEGE of LIMITED LIABILITY to this party here [the upper and lower case real me]. It would be Limited Liability Insurance. To do that they had to do what?—They had you fill out a new APPLICATION. This new APPLICATION in the UNITED STATES is called an SS-5. Yours is probably called something else (in CANADA). From this there is a new Number issued, there was a new Title and a new Number issued—this new Title is the ALL CAPS PERSON with the Number 123-45-6789 as an SSN. You will notice that the number is a 9 digit number which is a CUSIP number [typically refers to both the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures and the 9-character alphanumeric security identifiers that they distribute for all North American securities for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. —So they can trade internationally! By the way the Berth Certificate also had a Number associated with it, associated with that ACCOUNT account as well. So, as you notice this is an INSURANCE POLICY so what does that mean what the UNITED STATES did to this TRUST? —It SUBROGATED IT! It SUBROGATED the FOREIGN SITUS TRUST to the UNITED STATES TRUST. At the very least the UNITED STATES took POWER OF ATTORNEY. Probably some kind of JOINT VENTURE kind of thing going on here. But in any event, they SUBROGATED the RIGHTS and DEFENSES of this right here [the upper and lower case real me and the ‘real you’] and joined it to the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Now what we’ve been able to do is to reverse that process and get it back to where it belongs [allowing the ‘real me’ to become the securing party of the ALL CAPS NAME]. And so that is what we are doing with some of this BONDING stuff. This Certificate of Live Berth is where some of the funds were created to fund the SCHMOO. So the SCHMOO [then will have] the $1 million to spend before it dies. This is a play on words because all this the Foreign Situs Account and Certificate of Live Berth entity is in the ACCRUAL. And so, remember, this is not reality. Anyway, that is where we got to. And so, up until the ‘entity’ [the ALL CAPS NAME] went to work, it was a negative number, or a negative value that was applied to these accounts. But once the ‘entity’ went to work and started producing, then all of a sudden the negative shifts into a positive. And so the thing has real value. In regards to both these two trusts right here [U.S. & Live Berth Entity], called a CESTUI QUE TRUST, because this thing right here [real me] is the only thing that can produce wealth. Because this thing right here [real me] is the only thing that can do labor. And the only true wealth in the world is labor and what it produces. So, because this thing right here [real me] is the only thing that can produce wealth, therefore any VALUE that you see in either one of these trusts right here [pointing to U.S.A. & the entity created from Live Berth] has to belong to this [the real me]. So this right here [the real me] is called the CONTRIBUTING BENEFICIARY. So, this right here [the real me] has the only CLAIM to any VALUE that is in either one of these TRUSTS [UNITED STATES and ENTITY CREATED from LIVE BERTH]. This right here [real me] does the CLAIM. THE CLAIM OF RIGHT. THE CLAIM OF LIFE.—Which PRECLUDES who? -IT PRECLUDES EVERYBODY ELSE! Everybody else is precluded from making a substantial claim in this Trust right here [real me]. And the only thing that is not happening here is that YOU ARE NOT MAKING THE CLAIM! Now some of you have understood the UCC DOCUMENT that we take and file and the UCC FINANCING STATEMENT. Some of you have and some of you haven’t —some of you ought to. When I first filed a UCC-1 FINANCING STATEMENT, I put all these things right on there. In my case, I filed a STATE form and it was a LIEN. Now in the UNITED STATES, for a long time we were using STATE Forms to file all our UCC FILINGS. So I took one of the forms and filed it into the COUNTY RECORDER from where I was from. And they had me take it right down to LIEN DEPARTMENT. That is where they filed the thing was in the LIEN DEPARTMENT. Now on your NATIONAL FORMS its different. And that is because on your National Forms there its only a Notice and there is no place to sign. Because on my form, on the State form, it had a place to sign for the SECURED PARTY. So it made it a VALID LIEN. And by the way, about creating forms and that kind of stuff, I create a form, all that it had to have was all the details. So, I put all that on there and created my own form. In any event, by doing that, I SECURED to this [the real me] all the BENEFIT of this [the ALL CAPS artificial entity and the UNITED STATES] and then I went and BONDED it. I went and sent certain documents, it wasn’t the same document as I am showing you here, but I sent certain documents into the INTERNATIONAL, which was the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY. And so I FULLY BONDED these right here [the ALL CAPS artificial entity and UNITED STATES trusts]. I had already done this back in 2000, and believe it or not, without going into great detail, I have seen a real BENEFIT from having done that. I can’t tell you for certain how things happen but I can suspect but there are certain agencies that I don’t hear from anymore. When I get pulled over on the highway, they look at my name and they tell me to “Just go away.” So, anyway, I am just trying to establish for you the basis of what it is that we are going to use as a SECURITY to write a BOND against… for this FICTION [pointing to the ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE on the BERTH CERTIFICATE document]. So what I did then, what I am suggesting that you can do, is that you can go get a SECURITY. Whatever choice that might be. It might be a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. It might be some other thing. Birth Certificates seem to be the best thing to use because of the VALUE of them. The VALUE is technically an UNLIMITED FUND, its because it is part of a conteem(?) [could not decipher what this word he used was]. And to try to answer the question here, that it makes no difference where it came from. It doesn’t make any difference what JURISDICTION it came from as long a you can get a CERTIFIED COPY so that the document is valid. [If it is on Bond paper, this will give you a pretty good idea that it is CERTIFIED.]
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:25:31 +0000

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