So, apparently some people have, again, decided to judge how I - TopicsExpress


So, apparently some people have, again, decided to judge how I spend my day by how much I post on facebook. When are people going to learn that I dont have to be sitting at my computer staring at it? WHen am I going to learn not to give a damn what people think? Im sorry if you dont think that getting 2 of my 3 children up and off to school at 6AM, making their lunches to take to school, getting them on the bus, doing 3+ loads of laundry, vacuuming my house with a shop vac that wants to suck up the furniture every time I get too close to something with fabric, taking the dog in and out, taking care of the 4 month old baby, that, oddly enough, cannot feed and otherwise care for herself, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning all while entertaining the baby or often times having to do it with her attached to me. Not to mention making many of the household products we use including laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, conditioner, etc. Oh, did I mention I also have to do all the shopping and making sure the kids are clean and clothed? Washing clothes and diapers. After the laundry is finished, it, for some reason, doesnt put itself away no matter how much I beg it to. I tend to our plants so that my family will have fresh and healthy produce to eat come warmer weather. I make some of my childrens clothes as well as sell some of the things I make. I drive my children around to dance and gymnastics, music lessons, softball and soccer practice and games as the season and my kids interests requires. Most nights I also cook dinner for the family, starting right at the time that Emily becomes so tired and cranky that all she wants to do is cry and be held. I choose not to put her to bed at this time because I dont want her waking up for the day tomorrow at 3AM. I have a hard enough time dragging my ass out of bed at 6 and I always have ;) And after doing all this and more I still manage to get up with the baby multiple times a night and do it all again tomorrow without complaint (well, without too much complaint, lol I am human after all) I do this 7 days a week, I dont get weekends, vacations or holidays. Vacations and holidays actually create more work for me, not less. Yes, I enjoy doing many of these things, but why should that mean that it doesnt count towards all I accomplish in a day? I am the first to admit, I dont always get everything done, sometimes I just dont get around to the dishes, or the laundry might not get put away until tomorrow, but I do the best I can. So to those of you judging my daily activity by how much I post on a given day. Think again. If doing all this makes me lazy, then I guess Im lazy. Im not perfect, I know this. Like I said, sometimes things go unfinished and not everything in our house has a home, because... well... theres 6 of us in this small house and theres not enough space in this house for everything to have a home, Abigals bedroom is technically a closet and Emily doesnt have a room or a crib, but I do the best I can and thats all anybody can ask. So, now, with that said, WIth the baby finally in bed for the night, Im going to sit on my ass, watch a movie and crochet my son a frisbee! Oh shit, no Im not, the baby is crying... Oh well.. maybe later...
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:20:26 +0000

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