So apparently this is me, anyone know knows me do you think this - TopicsExpress


So apparently this is me, anyone know knows me do you think this is true? Extraversion You appear to be not particularly extraverted, nor particularly introverted. You appear to have a balance between your energy and activity levels, and in the amount of social interaction you have with others. Agreeableness You appear to hold a generally neutral view of humanity and others -- you appear to be somewhat compassionate and cooperative, but also at times suspicious about other peoples motivations. While you see the value of getting along with others, youll speak your mind when you feel like it. You probably hope that most people are honest, but are pragmatic enough to realize many are not. Conscientiousness You scored higher than many people on conscientiousness, suggesting you may sometimes value self-discipline (in others, if not always in yourself), trying to act dutifully when you can, and perhaps aiming for some kind of achievement in your life. You likely have a preference for planned rather than spontaneous activities and behavior. You are probably not usually thought of as being impulsive. You tend to avoid trouble and strive to achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. You are also positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. Emotional Stability You appear to be neutral in the trait of emotional stability. You are likely emotionally stable in most of your day to day activities, but occasionaly have emotional reactions to stressful or difficult situations. Openness to Experiences You have scored quite high on your openness to experiences. This suggests a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. The trait distinguishes imaginative people from down-to-earth, conventional people. People who are open to experience are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be more creative and more aware of their feelings, and are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:02:50 +0000

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