So as I look on my friends list for friends that I might know, I - TopicsExpress


So as I look on my friends list for friends that I might know, I see that a bunch of people de-friended me from my childhood. You see, its interesting to say you are a friend on Facebook, because when you dont like something someone says you just have a Unfriend button to click. How is that a friend? A friend is relative on Facebook, they could be or could not be a friend, but you wont know until you piss them all off. What ever happened to speaking to the person that may have posted something that you didnt like or said something you didnt like? As children are we taught to walk away from people that bother us? If so, this to me is incorrect thinking, just my opinion. I think we should try to come to a common ground so that we dont have an argument in the future, but people just seem to think that its okay to click a button as to never talk to the person again. I guess its easier, but to me, its the cowards way out. Its a way of not dealing with what bothers you, but who is to say something else someone else says wont piss you off enough to defriend them? I confront people that bother me, in a nice way (most of the time) and yet I dont seem to get the same respect. Perhaps I should just expect people to click a button so that they dont have to see my posts or talk to me. What a crock of BS this social media etiquette has become! People will piss you off and people will say things you dont like, we arent the same, none of us are and we cant expect people to have the same exact views or the same ways to express something, because we are all different in many ways, we may have some commonalities, but our experiences in life are different, which tend to mold who we become in life. Take each person for who they are, the good, the bad and the ugly. We cant just de-friend someone because they dont align with our views or align with the way we speak to others. Its the differences that makes us find the commonalities. So give each person a chance, unless they are completely rude to you specifically, then that is a whole other story, because being rude only means they have nothing to say intelligently, therefore they use their words to sling instead of being thoughtful. Just expressing my thoughts, because this social media etiquette nowadays doesnt jive with me, its running away from the issue and that is never good for anyone. We can learn from those things that we fear within ourselves.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:23:54 +0000

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