So as I was saying… Taking you down the unpaved backroads of my - TopicsExpress


So as I was saying… Taking you down the unpaved backroads of my thought process, I was talking about my 8 track stereo in need of a car.. The truth is this. When I heard a Glenn Campbell record that was recorded in 2012, at least parts of it, called INTRODUCING GLENN CAMPBELL, I was absolutely floored! I say all the time that I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Those who really know me well, know this is true. I got cancer in 2004 and it almost killed me 4 or 5 times. I had one of the most aggressive cancers you can get. It doubled in size every 24 hours. I would have been dead in 2 weeks had we not found it. I had 17 spinal taps, went into septic shock, I’ve had hip replacement, 3 sinus surgeries, and 2 other surgeries. I actually woke up during a surgery once during all that. It was part nightmare, part really bad dream. I still have to get infusions because of a blood disease I got from the chemo. When I finally started coming back to life I looked around, as if back from the dead, and was shocked. Still am. So much has changed. It didn’t happen to me gradually. I feel like I went to sleep one day and woke up 10 years later and I don’t recognize the world I left. You guys have had the kettle turn up slowly on you, so I don’t fault you for that at all. It is just I sort of feel like the FROZEN MAN that James Taylor sings of. Don’t get me wrong. I’m really grateful to be a live at such a time as this. There are so many things to be thankful for. My wife, my kids, my church, my friends and family. But I guarantee, you will never hear a sell like this from a guy who has nothing to do with his record. Glenn Campbell’s INTRODUCING GLENN CAMPBELL is what I think music is supposed to sound like. This record is one of the most amazing things I have ever heard. I employ you to go now, buy an 8track stereo, trade it in for a car that has something digital, transfer all you Glenn Campbell songs to a little stick that you can put into your car and listen to this man sing. My opinion carries no credentials, so don’t read it as if it does. Glenn Campbell, in my estimation, is one of the greatest artist of the century. Go watch some of those old clips and tell me if you know anyone who can do all he did with such high proficiency, skill, style, and grace. I cried my eyes out listening to that record. Please get it and listen and see if you can hear me and my mama a daddy an my sisters and brothers on Saturday night all sitting around the TV watching the Glenn Campbell show. Let me know if you can feel what we felt when that man would make us cry awh, and smile, and sing along with him. Tell me if you can see why music, real music, not cyborgs playing video games, why it can take a sad time and jar it in vinegar for 30 years and when you go open it up out comes the song with it’s companion, your lost memories. The way they were supposed to be spent back then. If you feel like you can cipher anymore that that, I’ll be willing to give and extra10 points on your final grade if you can uncover any liet motifs, any symbolism, allegories,, etc…
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:10:31 +0000

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