So as many of you know I have not done anything Paranormal related - TopicsExpress


So as many of you know I have not done anything Paranormal related in at least two weeks. I have been super busy with my work (what pays the bills) and so busy in fact that I have not done anything at all - no ghost box, no EVP, nothing. I have been working all day every day and not really even thinking about the spirit world. Then last night I go to bed, fall asleep and then was awoken by my throat closing up (I have been having respiratory issues for months) and not being able to breath correctly. I was also dreaming bit not sure what I was dreaming about. IN any case, I woke up, drank some water and put my head back down on my pillow. I then glanced through the pitch black room to a green glow coming from my door, which was closed. It started to get larger and took the form of a head but it was very organic and fluid, not like a stiff floating head. It would go in and out of shapes and grow large, then small. Then it would move around the door area. I wiped my eyes to clear them and it was still there. This has happened twice before in my bedroom but this time it was crystal clear. I was not afraid, but I was amazed at what I was seeing. I mean, it was a clear shape of a human face but glowing green. The green faded quickly and I saw a huge ball of purple form and grow LARGE, again, organic and fluid. The edges sparkled like particles of glitter (very slightly) and the mass came towards the bed. I heard a voice say something to me and the purple mass shrunk and flew right towards me. Then I felt that feeling I feel when spirits are near me or on me. STRONG. Then the bed started rocking gently as it has before. (I have had my bed shaken in many hotels and at home). After a minute or two it stopped and everything in the room was normal again. I saw nothing, felt nothing and heard nothing. Just quiet and peaceful. It was then that I grabbed my iPad mini and started to research green and purple spirit light. I eventually went to sleep and when I woke Debby asked me if I felt the bed shake because she felt it shaking and was awoken by it. I then told her what I saw, felt and that yes indeed the bed was shaking. So the spirits are still around me. Something is still around me. Last night was the strongest that I have ever seen them in this way. It was very vivid, clear and etheral. I never had fear, I just watched in amazement. I also had thoughts this morning of getting out of the whole Paranormal field. I have seen what I needed to see, felt what I needed to feel, heard what i needed to hear. All future evidence will consist of more of the same. EVP, Ghost Box, begging for Help from those that communicate to me, visions, etc. I now know with every fiber of my soul that we are not alone, that there is an afterlife and that it is well beyond our comprehension to understand it while we are on this earth. I also see so many crooks, scammers and angry people in this field who are so filled with hate and bitterness and jealousy. Those who are in it for the wrong reasons. Those who take advantage of others at every opportunity. So why keep going? Why push on? I am not so sure. But I do know that I keep getting pulled back in. Even when going two weeks without even doing anything related to this they come and remind me that they are here. Like I have said, we have no way of even knowing or proving what we converse with. We can only go by what we feel. What we want to believe and what we experience. I can say that last night, I have no idea what that was in my bedroom. I just know it did not scare me and that it was an incredible sight to see (and feel). They do follow us, they do know us and they will stick to whoever they can trust, communicate with and those who have a good nature and light around them and you will not be able to shake them. Are they good? Possibly. Are they Evil? Possibly. No one knows. At the end of the day I just know that I am amazed at what I can see, hear and feel. So in that respect I feel blessed. I doubt I will ever just stop doing this as I feel connected to it in many ways. With that said, for those waiting for new videos or EVP..stay tuned. :)
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 18:00:35 +0000

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