So, as promised, I give you the other half of my previous post! I - TopicsExpress


So, as promised, I give you the other half of my previous post! I accepted the challenge of 254 random and true facts about myself and my thoughts, and let the craziness begin! (Again) #128 I always have to have at least four bracelets on my left wrist. #129 I want to pierce my nose and get at least two tattoos when I turn 18. #130 I am currently addicted to the Divergent book series and cannot wait for the movie to come out in March! Dauntless all the way! #131 I am super sorry if I repeat any facts. #132 I like to pretend Im tone deaf and will sing terribly on purpose. #133 I used to be so excited when I got a text, but now I forget to respond to them all the time. #134 I hate when people dont respond to me when Im taking the time to text them. #135 I am super hypocritical. #136 Ice cream is probably the best thing ever. #137 I had 20 goats at one point and I miss them dearly. #138 I really want a dog. A German Shepard, preferably. #139 I dont have a smart phone, just because I am too cheap to terminate my current plan and get a new one. #140 I also hate when people are getting a new phone every month. Do you really need a new phone? #141 I secretly hope that some kids crash and burn as soon as they dont have mommy and daddys help. #142 I am sarcastic as all heck. #143 Most of the time, I am super quick with comebacks. Dont even try. #144 I get super mad quickly. #145 I have to be the leader in a group, otherwise I wont do anything. I also have to be the funniest one. #146 I used to pull out my eyelashes. I dont know why. #147 I really want my ice cream, but Im typing this stuff instead. #148 ( insert ice cream break here) #149 I am really surprised and flattered at the amount of people who have read and cared about my previous 127 facts. Thanks for the support guys! #150 I remember my first swear word. #151 I love going on scary movie dates with my brother. #152 Im just fabulous. #153 When I find a word I like, I will use it a lot. Seriously, even where it doesnt belong. #154 Only 100 more to go!!! Yay! #155 I seriously suck at math. Not only am I super unmotivated to do it this year, but I cant really learn with the teachers teaching method. #156 My phone case is super glued onto my phone. I kept dropping it and Im seriously too cheap to get a new one. #157 I have inside jokes with people that I dont remember and they do...awkward! #158 I want to go hang out in Princeton. #159 This being my Senior year, I want to do all the bad things. Ive already skipped school for a baseball game, cheated on a test ( kinda regret that), and have a really bad case of senioritis. #160 I like being sick, because my talking voice sounds way better. #161 I hate the way my voice sounds on recordings and am terribly sorry you guys have to put up with that, but I love the way it sounds in my head. #162 I dont like my frizzy hair and dont know how to keep it controlled. #163 Laying down while typing is not the best thing to do. #164 I like when people scratch/massage my back and when they play with my hair. I will love you forever. #165 I am not jealous of anyone. #166 I like getting my nails done, but dont do it enough. I think its super awkward. #167 I want to throw a party and invite all of my close friends and the people who mean the most to me. #168 I cant dance, but I think I can. #169 If you are still reading this, a major shout out to you! #170 I mismatch my socks on purpose and believe that I started the trend. Honestly, I started when I was young. #171 I really want to meet my sisters boyfriend, just so I can give him the talk. You hurt her, you are dead. #172 I went to England this past summer. #173 I pick up accents super easy. I am apologizing in advance for when I come home from Atlanta, Georgia. #174 Speaking of Georgia, I used to like a guy with a similar sounding name, who was, ironically, from Georgia. Im really sorry it didnt work out. #175 My twitter name is ZebraOnFire* @BekahGroskreutz #176 I love being involved in 4-H and am grateful for all the opportunities that have been given to me. #177 I never really had any real birthday parties or actual parties to begin with. #178 I like guys with defined cheekbones. #179 This is lame, but I really want a hamster. #180 I keep Christmas lights up in my room all year round. #181 I have two Scentsy pots and buy tons of wax. I dont think I will ever use all of it, but they smell soooo good! #182 The closer I get to the end, the harder it is to keep this interesting. #183 I think Im going to sue Redbull for false advertising. Where are my wings!? #184 Im planning on getting my CBL, so I can drive 407. #185 I have the 2013 FDNY firefighters calendar and I really want to get 2014s. Christmas present, maybe? #186 I really like sharks! My favorite is the cookie cutter shark. #187 I still havent uploaded pictures from my England trip. I should probably do that soon. #188 I had a huge crush on Dan Aykroyd when I was younger. #189 I get distracted super easily. #190 I stay up way too late. #191 I go out of my way to avoid people, sometimes. #192 I say really stupid stuff, no brain to mouth filter. #193 I have really soft cheeks. #194 I like to spend a lot of time in the shower, just because its warm and a great place to think. #195 I think of scenarios in my head before I go to sleep. #196 I have a really huge, fluffy zebra blanket I bought that I can wrap myself into when I sleep, but I have to have the quilt my sister made me on top of that. #197 I have to sleep with three pillows. #198 I very rarely ever sleep with a stuffed animal, but I feel like I am betraying them. #199 I want to know what a caterpillar tastes like and I also say caterpillar weirdly. #200 When I get mad, I sound like I am from the South. #201 I prefer British actors to American actors. They just seems to be way more classy. #202 I love to read. #203 I started to write a story a long time ago and never really finished it. It was super cute and I like to go back and read it every once in a while. #204 I like the Brewers, Giants, Broncos, and Clippers. #205 My sister once told me that I sounded African American when I sing. Its true and Im seriously amazing at spirituals. My vocal range allows a full out sound. #206
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:21:30 +0000

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