So at 5.45am Wayne gives the dogs their breakfast, Kiras breathing - TopicsExpress


So at 5.45am Wayne gives the dogs their breakfast, Kiras breathing is bad because of her solid lungs and she is always hungry due to her meds so she eats quick and makes a lot of noise whilst eating. Im upstairs and hes in the kitchen, Kira eats in the living room away from the other dogs as shes old and struggles. The next thing is a very loud bang, the crashing of bowls and Wayne starts screaming for me. I rush down to find Kira collapsed and taking the last gasps or trying. She had gotten her food stuck down the wrong pipe and had choked. I got Wayne to hold her upside down where I tried desperately to bang her chest to dislodge the food, I cleared the back of her throat with my hands and got lots of food out but in the last desperation and panic Kira bit me very badly, she had no idea she had done it and by this stage I think her body was in survival mode so it was just a reflex action. I couldnt reach the food so we tried again to bang her chest. She went limp and her heart stopped, I had no choice but punched her chest as hard as Ii could, I think I may have broken her ribs but I managed to move the food forward enough to be able to get my fingers onto it and break it up in her throat and then it just fell out. I have no idea what damage has been caused at the back of her throat but I got her heart started and she was able to breath......Kira was back with us, she has been checked and even though she is sore and her ribs hurt she is alive and hopefully will keep us on our toes for many more months if not years. It was the worst moment of my life, looking at her dead body. Please everybody learn a little dog first aid as you never know when you may need it. After taking Kira to the vets I have spent the day in A&E got to go back on Wednesday for the bite to be assessed and possible sutured, I have nerve damage to my index finger to which they hope will improve when the swellings go down. The most important thing is my girls are all still here with me, today could have turned out so much worse.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:54:33 +0000

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