So, back again to the same old where we left off last week. A - TopicsExpress


So, back again to the same old where we left off last week. A broken down car, busy schedules, and a gas guzzling van. You know, just the simple, ordinary trials of life. If you have never been faced with the same blessings that this life affords.....let me know, I would like to congratulate you and tell you, you are a far better person than I. But, I dont think so.....hey, this is life were talking about. Life isnt about being fair....its about living in reality. Facebook offers a way of escape, even with a few fleeting moments in life and to get away from the trials of this life...but then, we walk away, and there life is.....waiting for us. The good, the bad, the ugly....and yes, even the beautiful spots.....all of it wrapped up with a nice big bow and says surprise. But God is there.....using the things of this life, to teach us, temper us, mold us into the blessed image of Jesus Christ. So as I go forward with the rest of the week, I am convinced that my blessed Lord knows more than I and allows me to go through because He has a purpose, a plan.....and Hes working it even today in spite of the warts and blemishes.....He is working. I thought about this as I sat there this morning watching the tow truck driver driving away with our car. I watched as he was going out the church driveway and dont work, the car, it dont work. (Hows that for The anti-theft system that someone tried to improve upon and it failed...cutting off the ignition and the fuel system to the car. So, off to the shop to get it fixed (it aint cheap either)!!!! Wires and gizmos, all of it unseen causing it to fall apart. We had one of two choices......let it sit there and gather dust or send it out to have it fixed. Obvious choice!!! No doubt about it.....fix the thing. Yes sir, had to send it out to someone who knows about all those wires and know, the unseen things that sometimes cause us to fall apart. Sometimes our system goes haywire and we have to be fixed by Someone who does a good job being a Fixer-Upper. No backyard mechanic....has to be someone with the proper tools. As a Christian, we go to God, the One who is working to work on us who arent working. Hows that for circular reasoning??? The purpose of a car......On the road again...just cant wait to get on the road again...., And what about us???? Just sitting on the sidelines, not used, just gathering dust????? Hey, I just cant wait to get on the road again!!!! Happy motoring!!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:41:09 +0000

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