So bare with on this .. These are my conclusions and thoughts - TopicsExpress


So bare with on this .. These are my conclusions and thoughts input is welcome both good and bad .. If u dont get it keep scrolling lol TO awakening is like television and its evolution like both from digital analog and then to the HD in the higher HD resolutions same picture but it gets clearer and clearer and more things are revealed and throughout the same thing even though youre staring at the same picture but since its more detailed learn more stuff The fractal hologram ., or sharpness theory .. Consider your self to be a image of smaller images making the bigger picture you .. So as there is an infinite smallness so is greatness .. As you zoom in .. The entirety of your being gets smaller but yet had the capability to harness all the information in one cell DNA Fractal and gravitational relativity : 9I believe that when we begin to look at nature as fractals the relativity from one thing to another is the same .. Even if it isnt clearly evident that it is .. To some degree everything had at least one fractal in it from the micro Cosmo to the universe .. If we look at a spiral galaxy I began to wonder why on this shape .. As above so below .. That since gravity is every where the. Maybe the structure of gravity is fractalized .. Meaning u find the lines and circles of Sacred geometry in the gravity it self .. Because all galaxies start small and from really nothing .. Yet when we look at fractals its a small pic of the big pic But then I also began to think of this as a manner of consciousness .. What we program our minds to believe / think .. Thats wat we r ..
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 21:38:22 +0000

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