So, between Sonic Bleh (Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric) and AssCreed U - TopicsExpress


So, between Sonic Bleh (Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric) and AssCreed U (Assassins Creed: Unity), whats with games shipping/releasing unfinished? I mean, I get the holiday rush, I do. Its a big time to make money that only comes once a year. But does it not occur to publishers that the backlash, subsequent boycott of their current games, and distant suspicion of their future games might possibly be avoided by making sure the game is actually ready for release when its supposed to be? And I hate to be the old man in the room (despite the fact that theres a 2/3rds chance that the people reading this are older than me), but remember when games shipped 98% complete, and that 2% was so hard to access that it didnt really matter? Before we learned that we could patch the game after release to fix the things we couldnt fix in development? When games HAD to be finished, because otherwise people wouldnt buy them? We still have games like that today, which makes these messes unacceptable! And before you tell me the intricacies of game development, stop. Youre asking me to pay $60 for a COMPLETED PRODUCT. You wouldnt pay full price for a book with the last chapter missing or egregious grammar/spelling errors. (before you hit me with examples to the contrary, its a metaphor, stop.) Even if you do, by accident, buy it, wouldnt you be inclined to then return it, or, failing that, warn your friends away from buying it? That asking price is a promise that whatever youre purchasing will work as intended. Shipping a broken, unfinished game breaks that promise. And before you get started with its just a game/its just this one game, stop. This sets a dangerous precedent. If it were just these two games, sure, that would be fine. But art doesnt exist in a vacuum. But if these two games sell well (and they probably will, urgh, see below), other publishers are going to look at this and say, well, they got away with it. Why cant we? and then do the same! In fact Im not ranting like this is new; this is just the most recent and high-profile version for the time being! I, personally, refuse to purchase a product on the promise that it will perfected for use a month after Ive purchased it. Nope! Not doing it! I refuse! For all I know, youve already moved on, because youve already got my money! Oh, and if a game looks bad, dont buy it! I dont care if its got your favorite character/actor in it! I dont care if youre curious and will return it later! I dont care that the graphics look pretty, or if youve been seeing the development cycle online! Whether you realize it or not, you ARE voting with your wallet, and when you buy a bad/broken/unfinished game, you are telling the publisher that you LIKED it. It doesnt matter that you were curious, or that you were planning to return it later. You are telling the publisher that you are willing to accept crap from them. If youre not sure, read a review. If you didnt like that review, read another. Or go on a game forum, and see what other people are saying. Check this stuff out before you buy it! There will be a copy available for you later! If not in store, than online in the e-shop that all consoles and handhelds have nowadays. Again, you ARE voting with your wallet, and when you buy a bad/broken/unfinished game, you are telling the publisher that you LIKED it. Im aware of how insane this makes me seem, so heres a video encapsulating all my feelings!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:06:36 +0000

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