So big changes, my children are going to school full time in - TopicsExpress


So big changes, my children are going to school full time in september, this means my amazing nanny Yvonne Etienne is looking for a new full time job. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Please contact me for any questions you may have. I have written the following which may help us find her an amazing new family. This is probably one of the hardest things I have had to do. Let Yvonne Etienne my beloved nanny find another family to be their rock!!. My children love her so much, over the years she has built up such a close bond to my children. It has been ALL about them. The first thing Yvonne ever said to me (over 4 years ago) is “ money is one thing, more importantly it is about the connection the child or children and I have” of course Yvonne and I had to have a connection too but that came secondary and was instantly built once I knew her priorities. So the first time I met Yvonne was via phone. Yvonne speaks fluent French and excellent English and I was looking for a French speaking nanny. I saw an ad written in French and called the number. Simultaneously I saw an ad written in English for a nanny who the employer just raved about, also French speaking and I decided to call both. Well, it just so happened both ads were about Yvonne and Yvonne’s employer had posted the ad about her. This started off what has been an amazing relationship. This is how it started…….I called Yvonne first and a little girl answered, she was tremendously polite and answered the phone beautifully, “ oh you are the lady that may give my mummy a job?” is what I heard, later I found out this was one of Yvonne’s amazing children. I heard Yvonne in the background as she spoke to me, and what struck me as something that I did not realized I value, but at that moment I realized it struck me as very important was that Yvonne let her have her time on the phone, coaching her and respecting her need to speak to me. This was a great start, instead of rushing to the phone and perhaps saying to her that she needed to speak, Yvonne let her ask all the questions she wanted. This to me says a lot, I thought, well if Yvonne treats her kids with this respect, giving them time and encouraging them, then this goes along way. Boy was I right. Yvonne is the type of person and nanny that provides the utmost respect to your children. She always understand the rules and boundaries that are set and that are presumed, safety etc., but within those she gives so much encouragement, patience, focus respect and power to the child/children, more than I could do for so many hours a day. She was made for this job. What is important to Yvonne is that your children are happy. She has so much patience it is unbelievable, but what you would not expect are so many other qualities that someone who is handing their kids to a nanny for many hours would desire. She listens and learns what you as an employer may want, however she has been doing this for so many years, one should trust what Yvonne may suggest. Yvonne is open to learning yet has established such a familiarity with New York and has such a network of people and places she can go it is extremely reassuring. How do you write a letter or reference for a person who is better than me and who dedicates their heart and soul to someone else’s children. A priceless job, worth a priceless amount!!! My little girl was 4 months old when I met Yvonne, I was a first time mother who was returning back to work after 2 months, I was able to breast feed at work and Yvonne would bring my little girl to me and be my right hand person for whatever my little girl and I needed. This is a tough transition, a mother handing their child over. Yvonne was loving, caring, respectful, tremendously competent and truly considerate. We all grew together, then after 10 months I fell pregnant and in October my little boy came along. Yvonne welcomed my little boy, stepped up and we continued to grow, Yvonne meeting every challenge with two young babies, and type A mother with a long to do list!!!! Here is what a typical day looked like, it has changed since then, as they grow much changes and Yvonne adapted to every element of change. She takes everything in her stride and comes through. A typical day for Yvonne and my children consists of, after her arrival having breakfast with them, whether it means preparing food, or taking off where I have left off with what I have gotten out for them, she sits with them and melds into their world. Pausing chores and the routine for the odd tea party or cardboard box adventure. Then she proceeds gently back to the world of reality to brush their teeth, wash hands and dress them. I am sometimes able to dress them, depending on their schedule and if one or both are still sleeping or not. After breakfast Yvonne preps the stroller and heads outside to the many parks in our neighborhood venturing near or far. She has a large group of colleagues that she can meet and arrange play dates with. She also takes the children to specific classes and activities I may have arranged. She is always patient and on time and fully prepared for anything that arises, re weather, a surprise play date or meeting, doctors appointment etc. She is always FULLY prepared, water, sun screen, blankets, toys, potty, rain gear, snacks, lunch, whatever one would need, or think one may need. Yvonne creates as busy a schedule as you would desire, it can be very busy, or very simple, whatever you want. Yvonne is the type of nanny that is take charge and rain, snow, sun, or whatever, Yvonne gets outside with the appropriate equipment. Nothing stops Yvonne. Now if you require her to stay in she can follow any instructions, but I found for my kids, being out and about was the best thing ever. After activity or play time Yvonne heads home for lunch. Now the kids are getting older, Yvonne can stay out until sometimes 4pm, with play dates in the park, or at others homes, or at certain centers – Scandinavian house, zoo, library, FIAF or bookstore. She takes lunch or buys it out. Obviously before the naps stopped she would head home for naps, and for a while the kids were on different schedules, one would nap, one not. Again Yvonne adapts and never failed to accomplish what needed to be accomplished. When at home she prepares lunch which may mean heating something up I have prepared or cooking something like rice or sweet potatoes, I typically arrange foods that are quick to make or prepare as I know when a child needs to eat, they need to eat. Yvonne can cook if you want her to also. When my little boy was napping and my little girl not, Yvonne and my little girl would do the laundry, and or read and do work books, I always like that to be their “French time” although Yvonne always speaks in French to them. She can do either, French or English. By the time the reading and laundry is done it is time for my little boy to get up. They play or go back outside, depending on energy and the weather. Yvonne then prepares dinner for them both and sits with them until they are finished, cleans up and then it is bath time. Over the years this has changed, bath time comes first and I give them dinner now. It varied. When I come in the place is always clean, the garbage is all emptied, the dishes are washed or in the dishwasher, dishwasher is all emptied, kids room is spotless, beds are made and the home is neat and tidy. As you read Yvonne started with a new born, she can handle any age children and many of them. She to me is actually wonder woman!!!! Kind of like an octopus with eight arms and many eyes. So aware and conscientious. A quote from my husband after a weekend of him having the kids alone. “ I do not know how Yvonne handles both kids in the playground together, I cannot do it, it is scary!!!”. I have seen her (as I would pop out at lunch and surprise them in the park), she has a way of keeping them safe, keeping them happy and doing tons of things. Yvonne walks in the door ready for anything to come her way, play, have a tea party, screaming, crying, sad kids, tired grumpy kids, kids asleep, kids hiding, kids being monsters, a messy house or anything else you can think of. I will let Yvonne discuss hours and schedule and money and all those details, she is flexible and she deserves a good family. She has always been available to me whenever I have needed her. I have always felt she has put us first. Why is this relationship ending, well my little two munchkins are off to school. As I said before many things change and we have adapted. We will to this also. My kids will be at school full time and Yvonne needs and wants a full time job. She wants one family she can love and take care of, teach, keep safe, expose to amazing things, guide and adore. Here are a few pics of the kids and Yvonne and what they get up to.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:26:55 +0000

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