So delighted English BBC presents announce were taking a pounding - TopicsExpress


So delighted English BBC presents announce were taking a pounding in the polls and that Lloyds TSB and the Royal Bank of Scotland will possibly move their HQs to London in the event of a YES vote, mmmmm, Im only surprised to learn that they apparently both had HQs in Edinburgh and as for the Royal Bank of Scotland it ceased to be Scottish years ago, now probably as about as much Scottish as Maggie Thatcher was! Lets not forget that most of the directors at RBS arent Scots anyway, the top dog is a yank and his number two English or so Im led to believe. Oh and while Im at it Alex Salmond is accused of telling porkies about the oil reserves, wonder where he learned that trick from, eh Ed and you too David but not forgetting that other instantly forgettable political figure, shit cant remember his name, oh thats it, got something to do with shit, flies and stealing things. Now lets let them have their wee moment of hope and remember that this isnt a time to buckle when we are so close, its a time we gather our strength for Scotland the Brave and make that final push for freedom.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 06:23:57 +0000

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