So, down 5 pounds but the goal is fitness not merely less fatness - TopicsExpress


So, down 5 pounds but the goal is fitness not merely less fatness :) Been hampered by a three week virus/sinus thing. Found a great doctor who has me on a yeast free diet (started yesterday in earnest - no booze for two weeks, not ez for a journo, let alone one who lost his hero recently, but it must be done). Yeast is an inflammatory agent online. Easy to google why that is bad, especially for anyone with intestinal, sinus or any body inflammation issues. Had to go easy on workouts because I was sick and I was taking an antibiotic that can affect connective tissues and thats not an injury I care to deal with right now. I have not gotten back to xfit yet. I am building base but having tough time stringing together consistent weeks of exercise and consistency matters Most often I am mixing interval cardio with calisthenics. I will up the resistance work once I am more fit. Losing weight for me is not the struggle, regaining performance standards is. In reply to FAQ: my Diet was simply less bad and more good but now I am doing the yeast free thing. Tricky but not that onerous if you dont mind thinking before you eat. Fads dont work for me. Diet means daily and u have to eat and live in a way that can be, again, consistent. Life is balance in all things, right. Food is an obvious example. I do some jogging - not longer than 5mi. I like the mapmyrun app. I run with my dog. He is slowly getting faster! He is good for an 8:30mi pace for 3.3 mi. I think lifting weights or other resistance work is key bone density and muscle growth. That said, I do recommend the burpees/sit-ups/airsquats/push-ups/lunges/pull-ups rotation of simple movements for early training. Breaking up body parts is advanced and only productive for dedicated routine lifters Interval cardio is a day burning strategy. Steady-state cardio may burn more calories but the body adapts and in doing so created diminishing returns on time Muscle confusion is the antidote: spiking heart rate and then returning to light stress rate creates a metabolic response that utilizes fat stores over an extended period. In short, when the body doesnt know what is coming next it burns fat and does so long after the exertion ends - like hours What I do is put treadmill on Max incline, and then alternate between one minute at 2 miles an hour and two minutes at 4 miles an hour. I will try to do between five and seven rounds of this. But you have to work up to it. Maybe you dont going full incline, or you adjust the numbers. The goal is that the one minute rate is a low heart rate for exercise. For me about 120 bpm. And then the upper rate is to really work hard. For me getting up into the 170s. As long as you use this principle, you can do it in any cardio activity. So thats where we are with that. The Mens Health mag piece on how we out on 10lbs of lean mass without doing anything that crazy will be out in a lee summer issue hopefully. Will update when I know
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:13:54 +0000

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