So earlier today i was skimming through some skate vids on - TopicsExpress


So earlier today i was skimming through some skate vids on youtube, and somehow justin beibers court case video popped up, i think to myself why not see how this little shit behaves himself in the courtroom so i open it. Seconds after the video begins the judge is reading him his charges and his eyes start doing some weird shit (like changing shape and color) and right as this happens he looks down off the camera as if he knows its happening and hes trying to regain his composure. At this point Im like nah thats photoshopped so i look at a few more and it happened in every video. I also notice there are scores of other people who noticed it too and saying off the wall things like hes posesed and all kinds of other ridiculous things but at that point Im right there with them because i literally saw it happen with my own eyes. So i find myself pouring through videos trying to make sense of this(yes Im doing extensive research at this point because quite frankly the initial video was somewhat disturbing, watch it for yourself) so i finally come across a video that shows someone putting something down in front of him coincidentally as his eyes are doing that freaky stuff(i.e. what looked like him trying to hide his eyes was really him reading the document in front of him. And i learned that the freaky eye stuff happens pretty often ... it was a common camera glitch. Moral of the story: Its easy to get swept up in a storm of bullshit. If youre skeptical(about anything) do research.Educate yourself, dont wait for someone else to come cram something down your throat. there are really are people claiming that little shithead is really like a reptile/alien of some sort and part of some fake secret society and they firmly believe it . Its laughable (off the map nuts). Exhales deeply if you managed to make it through this absurdly long post kudos to you. I sure as hell wouldnt if i saw it on my news feed...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 08:53:33 +0000

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