So everyone needs to participate in the following discussion. In - TopicsExpress


So everyone needs to participate in the following discussion. In the last month I have seen, heard about or have been involved in myself that are making me rethink the policy of leaving the park unsupervised. I personally had to call the police when a girl reacted so badly to people warning her of the un-neutered dog ordinance that she brought in her brother to confront all the people that were being mean to my sister. Four of us tried to explain neutering and just when it calmed down she threw a chair and said I want to stab you to one of us. The police were called of course. My idea that self policing works was disputed by this incident when other park people said she was being bullied. In this situation many people talked to her about the issue and usually that is enough for someone to get the message. In this case she had a couple of people that were trying to shield her from getting this feedback. This ultimately supported a return visit because she thought these people would support her behavior. The bottom line is that there are rules. If a un neutered dog is causing issues that you are not comfortable with, or even if you want to speak up and site the rules you have every right. But in this situation people saw gray. There should be NO GRAY! The rules are the rules. I dont think they would have seen grey if there were someone of authority siting the rules. There is Annies situation, which would benefit from a official talking to and then there is the situation of the restraining order and its constant violation on the large side. I think its time to investigate the possibility of another Lynn Stone, an official part time monitor or a volunteer program. I need feedback. This will not get far without support. The first reaction is there is no budget, but we dont really know what the budget is at the park. Then the volunteer program is not supported by Recs and Parks I think mostly because the effort, someone would have to oversee it and they dont have the manpower. Please put your own 2 cents in here!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:30:21 +0000

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