So, everyone you know is into Essential Oils. You’ve seen all - TopicsExpress


So, everyone you know is into Essential Oils. You’ve seen all the pictures of skin looking younger, warts disappearing, age spots fading. You’ve heard all the remarkable stories about kids falling asleep peacefully, husbands that stop snoring and moms that are able to handle the stress of it all better because of these miraculous oils. And you’ve heard all of this from actual, real life friends on Facebook. People you know and love that aren’t trying to sell you something crazy. You’ve thought, “OK, I will try it. I can’t hurt.” Until you look up the prices. And then, let’s face it, you likely wondered out loud to yourself “Are these people crazy? This isn’t liquid gold people!“. and I would have to agree with you on some level. Essential Oils ARE expensive. That’s why I am glad that I am able to use my Young Living discount to feed my obsession. My whole story of how I got involved with Essential Oils was because my family loves horses. You know what else loves horses? Biting fly’s and mosquitoes. It seems they also liked us since every time we left the barn we were covered in bites that turned to welts. I was so miserable from these welts that I posted a picture of them on Facebook and asked for suggestions on how to avoid a summer of this. A friend that happens to sell Young Living sent me a bottle of Purification Oil. I dropped some on that night and by the morning the welts were down to manageable bites. Within 24 hours of use, they were gone. My friend suggested I make my own bug spray using essential oils. I thought she was crazy, but I had success with the Purification so I was willing to try it. I hated covering our family in DEET products. The thought of spraying it and it getting in our lungs each time made me sick. In order to get the 3 oils I needed for the bug spray I decided to help my friend out and purchase a starter kit. I really did think of it as doing her a favor to repay the Purification she sent me. Turns out she was the one doing me the favor. The kit came with 11 oils and a diffuser. I had no idea what a diffuser was but it was fun to play with. 3 nights in I was one of those nutty people posting on FB about how we could finally sleep. This thing made a HUGE difference. Buying my kit made me a “Distributor” which gave me access to buying oils at 24% off the retail price. That was good because I have NO PLANS to sell anything. I was however buying a ton and the more I bought, the more I shared, the more people wanted to buy them from me. I was selling it and didn’t really mean to. But the money was nice and having this account allowed me to get points back towards more oils and several free ones a month. I still don’t have any great plans to sell them but I am happy to pass on how you can get your kit and own account to start ordering at 24% off. If you have been looking to get into the oils the best way is to start with the Premium Starter Kit for $150. This buys you the diffuser and 11 oils! That’s huge when you break it out. At retail its double that price and some of the oils you can only get exclusively in kits. My direct sign-up link: https://youngliving/signup/ I am always available for questions. Just let me know.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:08:19 +0000

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