So excited fur my Mommy & Gwammy who were invited tew da BowWowza - TopicsExpress


So excited fur my Mommy & Gwammy who were invited tew da BowWowza Awards at Cafe Hon on Jan 28th. I not know wut its all about but it sure sounds fun. Mommy said shell share pitchoos & updates dat night & fill us in on da details. Hey, I wonder if dey awe wooking fur a host...Hmm, Ive got some snazzy bow ties wiff matching spenders dat my Aunt Doy got me & dey wood be purfect fur an event wike dis. Id made a pawsome awards host :-) Oh well, Ill just stay home while my Aunt Ra Ra babysitts me & catch up on summore Zs or pway wiff all ub da new & amazing toys dat yew all sent me & my Sisser fur Christmas. I fink my Mommy cried every time we opened one ub da many boxes dat came here during da howlidays. We were all completely moved by da amount ub cards & pwezzies dat yew cared enuff tew send tew me & Mozzarella. Oh & just so yew know, I shared everyfing dat came here wiff Sisser & Cousin Windsor. All da way down tew da yummy treats & let me tell yew, I got sum pawsome treats. Lots ub big gravy bones & I even got a box ub treats dat wooked wike it came from Pepperidge Farms. Bol. My Gwammy wuz eyeing it up cuz it wooked so delish so I hid it from her fur da 1st few days it wuz here....bol. OMD, dey weally awe delish. We still get da sausages dat came in it as a berry special treat. I could go on & on about all da wonderbull fings dat all ub yew sent. Everyfing on my Wishlist wuz sent & My stock pile ub fancy pants is now big enuff tew last me fur about 2 months fanks tew all da fancy pants yew sent or becuz ub da donations made through PayPal. My Mommy must hab cried tears ub joy every day becuz she wuz so moved by your lub fur me & Mozzarella. I want yew tew know dat becuz ub yew, my life is dat much more better. Your donations bought me all da supplies dat I weally need fur my daily care (Mommy sends copies ub Receipts dat awe available upon request- We want yew tew see how yew donations awe in fact spent on my supplies cuz there hab been bad people on Facebookie dat abuse fundraisers so pweeze feel free tew ask fur receipts should yew make a donation to my Fancy Pants Fund. Were alwaze happy tew show da amount ub difference your donation haz made in my life ). Ive never felt more lub den I do now. My hawt is filled wiff so much lub fur all ub yew & every night when we say our pwayers, we gib fanks fur habbing yew in our lives & fur allowing me tew get through anudder day wiff all da supplies dat Im alwaze in need of. I weally & honstly know how much yew lub me so pweeze know how much me & my family appreciates & lubs yew. It iz becuz ub yew dat my tomorrow will be filled wiff lub & blessings. Alwaze know, deez tears dat flow from our eyes awe tears ub joy. Grateful tears fur da many blessings yew hab sent our way. Yew awe da weason Iam da Bulldog dat Ive grown tew be. Da weason I lub sharing my every day life wiff yew, da weason I truly believe dat sumone wike my Aunt Ellen DeGeneres will hab me on her show one day so we can bring even more awareness to animals wike me wiff Special Needs & how we deserve da chance tew prove dat we CAN live a normal & happy life just wike any udder animal if giben da chance. Im living proof & I want da world tew see all da great fings we can do & da amout of determination & will dat we hab & da amount ub appreciation dat we show tew our lubbed ones wike yew who do gibb us da opportunity tew tell our story. Words just can not express how much I lub yew & how fankful Iam tew hab yew in my life. Yew hab helped me every step up da way & for dat I will fureber be fankful fur da ways in which yew extended your hand tew help me & da lub dat yew continue tew show wiff each passing day. I sowwy fur rambling, I just felt da need tew express da feelwings I hab in my hawt & da ways in which yew hab altered my life fur da better. I hab da most amazing Aunts & Uncles here on Facebookie. I do hope yew know how much I lub & appreciate yew. I wook furward tew walking paw in hand & making our tomorrows even more bullyful & blessed den it wuz tewday. Wiff yew I can do anyfing....Iam Strong, Iam lubbed, Iam Munster ;-) I guess wut Im trying tew say iz I Lub Yew Wiff ALL My Hawt. My sisser just yelled at me & said I could hab just said dat 20min ago & saved me from typing so much. She just wants da pooter so she can check her Facebookie page & flirt wiff boys...Hmph, GIRLS. Bol
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 01:21:46 +0000

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