So far, this is all of what Im thankful for... 1. Im thankful - TopicsExpress


So far, this is all of what Im thankful for... 1. Im thankful for my parents. If there was no them, there would be no me. I would be extremely lost without them, they are both incredible and do everything or would do anything for me. Theyre so important to me and play a huge role in my life. They are always there for me through the good and bad times. They always help me up when I fall down. I truly value there opinion and advice. Its a blessing to be able to call them my parents. My parents are my world. 2. Im thankful to be able to get the chance to experience life. Im thankful for speech, for giving me the opprotunity to express myself. My heart, for pumping blood to all parts of my body every second since i was born, for giving me the ability to feel. My immune system, for fighting viruses that have entered my body, and keeping me as healthy as possible so I can do the things I love. My lungs, for letting me breathe so I can live. My hands, so I can type on a computer and text, flip the pages of a book and hold the hands of my loved ones. My legs, for letting me walk, run, hop, skip, jump, swim, play the sports I love, and curl up in comfort of my seat. My mind, for the ability to think, to store memories, and to create new solutions. For good health, for enabling me to do what I want to do and for what Im going to do in my future. 3. Im thankful for my family, for being my closest kin in the world. For my friends, for being my campanions in life. 4. Im thankful that everything that has happened in my past has made me a better and stronger individual. Heart brakes, for helping me mature and become a better person. My mistakes, for helping me improve and become better. Tears, for letting me experience my deepest emotions. 5. Im thankful to get to experience being a volunteer at the Boyd County Animal Shelter. I truly believe the animals need to be loved and cared for as if it were a human in those cages. Imagine yourself in one, you wouldnt like it. Therefor, neither do they. So why not give them the attention, care and love that they need in your spare time. Trust me, you will be glad you did. GO ADOPT and give a helping hand. 6. Im thankful to be able to get the things that I need when I need them because of my supporting family members and parents. 7. Im thankful to be able to say Ive experienced turning 21. Because not everyone does. So be thankful for every minute you get because time is precious. 8. Im thankful to have an iPhone 5S, to make it easier to stay in touch with others. For internet, for connecting me to people despite the physical space between us. For transport, for making it easier to commute from one place to another. Computers, for making our lives more effective and efficent. Technology, for making impossible things, possible. Movies, for providing me with a source of entertainment. Books, for adding wisdom into my life. Blogs, for connecting me with similar minded people. For music, for lifting my spirits when Im down. 9. Im thankful to be able to attend college. 10. Im thankful that when Im finished with college I wont have to pay anything out of my own pocket. My parents are covering all of the cost. That is a huge relief off of my shoulders. I truly thank them for that and dont know what I would do without them. 11. Im thankful that I was able to experience being a rock climber. Which I think Im going to continue this passion. PS. I know she would want me too. 12. Im MORE thank thankful of all the men and women that sacrifice themselves for us all and serve for our country to provide us ALL with FREEDOM. Think about what it would like without them all. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 13. Im so thankful to be able to experience sense of sight, for letting me be able to see the colors of life. Sense of hearing, for letting me hear all things around me, trickle of the rain, and the loved ones who surround me. Sense of touch, for letting me feel the touch of loved ones, the texture of my clothing, and the breeze of the wind. Sense of smell, for letting me experience the smell of scented candles, freshly baked cookies or brownies, perfumes, and freshly picked flowers from a garden. Sense of taste, for letting me savor the sweetness of fruits, the spiciness of chili, the sourness in sour patch and the delicious mint flavor of gum. 14. Im thankful for school, for providing me with a learning and growing environment. Im thankful for my teachers, for their hard work and dedication, and passing down there knowledge to me.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:16:26 +0000

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