So five years ago our lives were forever changed by the words you - TopicsExpress


So five years ago our lives were forever changed by the words you have cancer its amazing how God will weave people and events in and out of your life if you step back and look at the whole picture. As hard as the last two months have been for us, we truly have been blessed in so many ways. Drake and I have been surrounded by so many people who love us and continue to lift us up in prayer during this storm. There have been dark days where he cried and screamed or I didnt want to get out of bed. However, there are more days where we laugh, reminisce and are full of love and hope. He visits me in my dreams and we are sent signs and feathers almost daily. I have been able to see and spend time with old friends from highschool, college, previous jobs and life in general. We have laughed and talked about all the great memories of Dave before cancer. His sweet spirit and his love for cars, clemson and beer 😄 we have spent time with many that we have not been able to see due to all of Daves health issues. This past week marked many anniversaries for milestones in our journey with cancer. This past Wed the 12th of November marked five years since Dave was diagnosed at the age of 33 with stage 3 almost stage iv thymic carcinoma. Five years since the world we knew was turned completely upside down and shook. Where our Dave went from being the primary breadwinner and who spoiled drake and I to the extreme to where I was working to help us survive and people were having fundraisers for us so we wouldnt lose our home. We went from having simple worries of where to vacation to how Dave was going to handle chemotherapy while losing most of his right lung along with the first layer of his heart bc of the Cancer. It became known in my book as BEFORE Cancer and AFTER cancer. He was given a very grim prognosis of maybe 18 months according to the research and the level of invasion in his body. However, if you knew dave before and after cancer you knew what kind of fight he was and how strong he was in faith and strength. You knew how much he loved drake and I and how much he fought to stay here with us. He let them put in a trach and hook him up to a ventilator at night so he could be here with us. He was on oxygen 24/7 for over three years. He let them open his chest and totally reand he let them do three brain surgeries and numerous other procedures so he could be here with us. However, we all have limits and sadly his was reached. He was two months short of beating this cancer for five years which is miracle in itself. He fought with every ounce in his body and I feel like I need to honor him for that. So in honor of his fight I will continue to fight. It seems like the best way to show cancer who is boss! This past Thursday the 13th of November marks my one year anniversary with Breast cancer. This day last year I was in surgery for over 8 hrs having my bilateral mastectomy which involved two separate surgeons and weeks and weeks of recovery. I then had four cycles of chemo with some complications while dave devolved another brain tumor which ultimately took his life. So in honor of his fight I fight! Thank you all again for being such an amazing support group. I pray with all that is in me that 2015 reveals a year of healing, hope, happiness and change. I promise to be the best mom to drake and the best therapist to my students and the best friend and sister and daughter to my family. I promise to honor Dave and to never give up despite the many hurdles and obstacles that are currently ahead of us. I promise to share our story and to support and help others who made need guidance or a person to hear them. I promise to keep Daves memory alive in so many ways! Please join me in honoring him and pray for a cure for this awful disease that has robbed us of so many people too early in life! We miss you Dave but we know you are happy and healed and sharing your smile with so many other Angels in heaven! ~ and until we meet again I will fight and pray!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:34:10 +0000

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