So for all you people that do complain about your taxes going to - TopicsExpress


So for all you people that do complain about your taxes going to Single mother whores, here is some information for you. If a married person makes 50k dollars in one year (as of 2013), they will pay exactly 3,820 dollars in federal taxes. 2,100 of those dollars go to social security while 725 goes to medicare; that leaves 995 dollars for federal programs. - 249 dollars (25%) to national defense - 234 dollars (24%) to health care - 190 dollars (19%) to job and family security - 74 dollars (8%) to net interest - 45 dollars (5%) to veterans benefits - 36 dollars (3.6%) to education and job training - 20 dollars (2%) to Nat. Resources, energy, and environment - 20 dollars (2%) to immigration, law enforce., and admin. of justice - 16 dollars (1.6%) to international affairs - 10 dollars (1%) to science and space - 80 dollars to additional programs - and 16 dollars (1.6%) to ag., regional development, and natural disaster response Assistance to these whores is located under the 190 dollars to job and family security. - 37 dollars (3.7 %) to food assistance (which includes assistance for school lunches) - 20 dollars (2 %) to housing assistance - 7 dollars (.7%) to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - and 33 dollars (3.3%) to earned income, making work pay, and child tax credits The rest of that 190 basically goes to retirement and SSI SO ESSENTIALLY YOU ARE PAYING MORE FOR CORPORATE SUBSIDIES AND WAR THAN FOR A PERSON THAT IS LITERALLY 100% DEPENDENT ON THE SYSTEM, AND MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT 100 % DEPENDENT!! Dammit the worst part of living in Wyoming is the misinformed, apathetic tides of people who receive their information from Fox News or social media, like Right Wing News. Quit being rednecks and join the ranks of other countries that care for their people and arent so ignorant.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:53:29 +0000

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