So for the many people who will say that Jocoby Ellsbury is some - TopicsExpress


So for the many people who will say that Jocoby Ellsbury is some sort of traitor for signing with the Yankees. Be Real IF the Red Sox would have wanted him they could afford to pay him what he wanted they DID NOT. When the Yankees offer the biggest contract, for the record I think they overpaid, what is Ellsbury to do say No sorry i cant play for you NY because I was a Red Sox? If any one of us out here in Facebook land would be offered that kind of raise to go to a rival company we would go and take care of our family. dont hate the player hate the game. BESIDES the fact he helped you win 2 World Series, but I am sure the red Sox ownership will start the smear campaign to soil his name. Besides Dave Roberts name a player who was not smeared ie Damon, was too old, Clemens, was not in Shape, Pedro wanted to much money, just say Thank you and hope Jackie Bradley Jr is the real thing.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:57:03 +0000

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