So for the past three days there’s been no crusty lymph on my - TopicsExpress


So for the past three days there’s been no crusty lymph on my Scaffold piercing and no pain when I press on the flesh around it…. After 10 and a half seemingly long long long long months it looks like it might finally be pretty much healed. It’s quite frankly been a bugger to heal, so in case you have just got one or are planning one, here are the things that I found helped…. 1) Never sleep on it. Ever. E-v-e-r. This is pretty easy for me to do as I often wake up when I turn over, but to help I put a box over a third of my pillow. I have occasionally woken to find find myself headbutting it. You might want to draw a face on it and name it, but I avoided this incase it seemed like I was cheating on my boyfriend. 2) Keeping my balls away from my hole. – I had a swollen lump on my top hole from the second week for 9 months. I took it back to the piercer to check the bar was long enough as there was only about a millimeter or two free on on end of the bar. They said it was fine. It wasn’t. There was always one ball touching a hole which was the cause of that hole getting a lump. Days after switching to a 2mm longer bar, the lump vanished. So my holes appear to be sensitive to anything rubbing on them. Tea tree oil did help shrink the lump a little, but it was still irritated by having my balls rubbed all over it. I also got smaller balls. I feel like I’m typing the dialogue for a carry-on film. 3) Switching the bar - The shaft was a little too hard and rigid for my holes, so I switched to a plastic one (PTFE), which made a big difference. The bar is slightly flexible so takes some of the impact if you hit it, and it takes some of the stress if your barbell it pressed. It just felt a lot more comfortable too. Plus Bioplast do different colour barbells. The black and silver are not as shiny as the balls, but no one ever noticed it wasn’t metal. Plus they do a clear one incase you work somewhere that will tut at you and consider you a drug addicted squat dwelling punk for having a piercing. However don’t keep changing the bar. After 4 months I changed it nearly every month and it bled almost everytime, which sets back the healing process. I’m a dumb ass. Don’t do this. Don’t be me. Fashion can just wait 10 months…. 4) Don’t date someone that bashes it everytime they hug you or grab your head. Seriously if they can’t learn not to touch you ear after the first few time you go “ow”, dump them. Knee them in the groin first though to give back a little of the pain. 5) Stop touching it and leave it the hell alone. – Movement and pressure will make it grumpy and irritate the hell out of it. Give it a 5 min salt bath once a day, gently wipe off the gunk once its soft (but don’t rub the hole more than two or three times), rinse off the salt, adjust its position while its still wet. Then stop touching it and ignore it. Don’t let caps rub it or glasses rest on it, don’t poke or yank the ear, don’t turn the bar. That ear is off limits. Don’t make me smack your hand. Incidentally Chamomile tea can also help if its really irritated. Stick a tea bag in your salt water for a bit first. Also only ever use a quarter of a teaspoon of salt to an average mug full to the brim with warm water. Any more will dry out and crack you new growing skin, any less and it will water damage the skin. Its all to do with Osmosis, but I cant be arsed to type out a big nerdy explanation about it that will bore your pants off even more. 6) Avoid bashing it. Sounds obvious, but you’ve had most of your life to get used to your body size, and a lot of your arm and hand movement will be now are so finely coordinated that you move them within millimeters of your skin. Your gonna keep knocking it. Don’t. And particularly don’t let someone tall shoulder bash you right in the ear while you are dancing, as it bleeds a lot. 7) Whining about how much it hurts will irritate everyone else’s ear holes. Man up. It’s only bad for the first few days (when you wont be able to touch it without it feeling like a suicide bomber has just blown it off your face)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:46:39 +0000

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