So, for those interested and with customary apologies to those who - TopicsExpress


So, for those interested and with customary apologies to those who are not, it is week 42 of I must get fit 2014. I have been trying to get fitter now for a year and three weeks. To reach my Goal weight (12 st 10 lbs) by Nov 8th 2014 requires me to lose 7 1/2 lbs over 4 weeks which is just under 2 lbs a week. As stretch goals go, this is now unrealistic but Id like to still go for it. Wish me luck! The ultimate aim is to have a BMI of 25 by weigh in on Saturday 29th November and my birthday falls a few days after. The best way I have found of getting to a goal is to plan, measure and reassess as you go. (SMART goals are the way to go) Had a half pound gain today - not entirely unexpected. My boss went off the project with stress and the only light I had in the tunnel was *yet* another project manager with a torch and a determined look trying to manage me harder to deliver even more with even less resource. No wonder I am stressed! I had a table spoon of wine with a friend who just passed their CISSP whilst mine has been postponed again because of work pressures. Does this count as drinking again - probably not. I dont like the taste any more! My current loss this far is 5 st 13 lbs with 7 to go - this means I am *FINALLY* in my last half stone and only another pound to reach the 6 stone mark. In regular news, work stress continues to be an ongoing and absolute nightmare with my boss having to go home sick. There are quarters that I love my job, sadly this quarter has not been one of those. I have pushed myself hard this week with Cardio exercise so (when combined with the unbearable stress) I wasnt surprised to have a half pound gain. Work can be a real pain sometimes. I managed to run two 5.5 mile sessions this week (without walk breaks) and am currently achieving a 12 minute mile or thereabouts. Cant remember when I last ran 5 miles - it really is more than 30 years! Starting to get some weird cravings for carb based food and especially chocolate and nothing is really hitting the spot. I am eating a ton of fruit but nothing is hitting the mark! No idea what else I can do but dont want to crash my diet! Maybe I need to crash and burn to find out what I need that Im not earting. Anyway, this week will be another back to basics week - I expect loads of aches and so I expect to have a post exercise binge weight gain but am going to push on with all the cardio and hope I will push through the aches and pains soon ! Here are the key stats: * I walked about 10 miles, ran about 11 miles gained: 1/2 lb * Current Weight: 13 st 3 lbs / 83.9 kg / 185 lbs * Weight Loss: 5 st 13 lbs (83 lbs) since I started * BMI is 26.4 this week (stayed the same - and down from initial pre WW 40.1) ...with an average of 0.6 lb a week over the last 3 months. I am still behind my original plan, so this week coming I will be a man with a plan. AGAIN. 7 lbs left to goal!!!! . I have pondered a few things this week: I will stick with the measured breakfast cereal portions and stick with the 65 minute cardio sessions morning and evening. Every little bit of exercise increases my activity level and helps me lose weight. I aim to squeeze in more stairs and less lifts and more walking to and from the hotel again this week. I will get the work stress issue under control - I will be taking control and finding solutions rather than dealing with the fall out. Im in my last half stone: ===7 Pounds to Target=== its so close I can taste it!!! I continue being R.E.A.L.: R ehydrate / Hyd R ate E xcercise A sleep Early L og / track aLL food [stay optimistic] SMART Goals (published each week to stop me weaseling out later): Short term goal: Lose an average of 1 lb per week. [This week = EPIC FAIL! (0.6 lbs a week last 3 months average] Milestone 1: 14 st by 12th Jul 2014 [12th July = 13st 11 lbs - 3 lbs ahead] Milestone 2: 13 st 7lbs by 6th Sept 2014 [on plan - but only just] Milestone 3: 13 st by 25th Oct 2014 [ 2.5 lbs loss over the next 2 weeks required - suddenly seems achievable again with a little perseverance] Strategic Goal 1: 12 stone 7 lbs at weigh in on Nov 29th 2014 (3 lbs below goal BMI = 25) Strategic Goal 2: Goal weight (12 st 10 lbs) by Nov 8th 2014. I normally share the three things I want to focus on for the coming week, so (apologies to Fast Show Fans) . . . next week I are be mainly thinking about: 1. How will it feel after I lose the next 1 1/2 lbs and have dropped 1/3 of my body weight and dropped 6 stones?; 2. I am the fittest I have been since I was thirty; what can I do to stop work from fracking up all my good progress?; And, 3. Why is emotional state so important to my levels of fitness (and the amount of carbs I consume)? Here are the usual pics from the weight loss and Runtastic apps. Wish me luck - as I always say, Saturday is weigh in day and the clock resets to zero so [thank goodness for Saturdays and resetting the clock!], off we go again.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 15:43:34 +0000

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