So glad someone took the time to love me into the Kingdom of God. - TopicsExpress


So glad someone took the time to love me into the Kingdom of God. If she had stood outside my house with a megaphone and screamed accusations to me, I would have been shamed and stayed far, far away from her. Instead. She came in. Sat down. Baked me some muffins. Hugged me. Played with my daughter. Gave me a book and asked me to go to church. I said no. Then she invited me to dinner. And put a Band-Aid on my knee when I accidentally fell in front of her house. She asked me to church. I said no. Then she came with her husband and stacked wood in my yard. She made me more muffins and passed me a track. She invited me to tea and helped me move. She cared about me and my daughter. She loved me like Jesus loves me. And because she did this all in His name, I wanted to know more about the Jesus in her that flowed forth in her words and her actions. One day she invited me to a Bible study and this time I said yes. Her name is Betsy and I love her so much. Be a Betsy to someone who is hurting and needs Jesus and a Savior just like all of us. I am so grateful. She introduced me to a loving God through kindness and patience and acts of love, and my life was forever changed. I hope to never point a finger at a person living without my Jesus, but to invite them to know Him through love and care and kindness.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:32:25 +0000

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