So happy last night that I struggled to sleep and getting up when - TopicsExpress


So happy last night that I struggled to sleep and getting up when the alarm went off ... well, lets just say I put a hurting on it every time I heard it screaming at me to get moving. I had planned a trip to Home Depot with Linda Weber in order to get some wooden post and say Hello to Jason. I drove along lost in thought but, proud of myself because I was going to be on time .. a rare thing for me ... then it hit me. I was in town and had forgotten Linda. (its just me, people get used to it) We grabbed a biscuit on the way and away we went. I think our shopping cart wheels hit every corner of that building before we realized the post we were looking for were located outside. Before we headed outdoors we had Jason paged and waited at the service desk. In a few minutes we saw a young man approaching and I ask if he was Jason. His answer was no but, I saw his name on his uniform and then I saw him smile. I hugged him at least three times and thanked him many times for pulling it all together for us. He was very sweet and gracious and it was a pleasure to see him. We gathered what we had came for and headed home. Once back on the hill, I inhaled a bottle of water and slipped on my boots for this was the day for Maggie to make her travel to her foster home with Laurie McClearen and Bonita Ash. She will have a new coggins and looked after by wonderful people. I made my way down to the barn with a halter on my shoulder and there in the hallway stood my beautiful girl. My heart sank a little because a part of me didnt want her to go. I hugged and kissed her all the while talking to her as I slipped the halter on her sweet head. I hope she understood my heart and why she was going away for a little while. As I walked Maggie down the driveway to meet her new aunties, she looked worried and became tense when the others called out for her. Once at the bottom of the driveway I she saw the terrible awful ... COWS!! :O For whatever reason Maggie doesnt like cows. Maybe because she has never been around them, maybe because she is scared of them or maybe she hates the way the big bull was bawling at her the entire time. I stood still and pulled her close to me, massaging her shoulders and telling her that all was well .... she wasnt convinced so she made MANY nervous circles around me as if I was lunging her. When I understood that we were going to have to face our demons and walk by the cows whether she wanted to or not ... I swallowed the fear and marched ahead towards the end of Padgett Lane to meet the trailer waiting for her. Everything was going pretty well until a big heifer decided to get up from her laying position and before I could try and stop my big mama, she was practically dragging me around the curve in the road. The heels of my boots finally caught a grip in some dirt off the shoulder of the road and I regained control of the extra large chicken. I calmed her down as the cow stared on at us mooing. Once Maggie saw some grass she took several mouths full up by the roots and chewed like it was the very thing to calm her down. We forged ahead and I heard Bonnie (Bonita) say Oh, here she comes. Maggie saw the trailer and began to snort like she was about to breath fire. The closer we got the calmer she became but, I was totally out of breath handed over the lead rope to Bonnie. After my baby had checked out the trailer for a minute, she loaded pretty well with a little push from Laurie. I called to check on them as they drove her back to see if she had stopped stomping and to make sure she didnt give birth aboard a traveling trailer from worry. Laurie called me as soon as Maggie was off the trailer and to my hearts relief ... she was safe, sound and chowing down on grass. Funny thing is ... there were cows fenced in next to her and she paid them no mind ... go figure. From here I pray for an easy birth, comfort and peace and a healthy baby. How could I ask for better people to care for her? Kindness envelopes my world and brings peace to my soul. Thank you Laurie and Bonnie for your time, devotion and care of one I love. Thank you Linda for your donation of wooden post today, the beautiful plant and priceless friendship . Thank you Dr Zager for your donation of cases of water and soda for our work day. Thank you Jennifer Dasher for backing me up on my dream of Whippoorwill. Thank you Julie Landrum for getting us a porta-potty donated. Thank you to the angel that led me to Magdalene/Maggie that beautiful night. .... and the greatest of these is Love
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 23:46:40 +0000

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