So, has everyone enjoyed the circus of the media pundits - TopicsExpress


So, has everyone enjoyed the circus of the media pundits tonight? I would urge everyone to call their Congress members and Senators and tell them to do their Constitutional duty. I dont know why President Obama pulled this stunt. That is what it is. A stunt to get illegal immigrants, Republicans and Democrats to fight against each other. Be very careful, this is a conquer and divide strategy. Our nation is based on the rule of law. What we have been seeing over the years, are politicians that think the rule of law doesnt apply to them personally, or that in spite of the law, they know whats best for us dummies. The world will not end tomorrow. I note he carefully crafted memos and not Executive Orders. Now, there are choices that Congress will have to make: 1. A lawsuit. Keep in mind, 9 have gone to the US Supreme Court, and all 9 the Court slapped this administration for an overreach of authority. 7 decided 9-0 and 2 have been 5-4. 2. The House has the power of the purse. Withholding funds is an option. 3. The power to impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors. This one qualifies. 4. Refusing to vote any nominees to office. Now, as a Constitutional law professor, President Obama knows exactly what he is doing. I suspect he thinks Memos will not muster in court. A court case will take two years minimum. Impeachment will also take about two years. No President of the United States has the power to write his own laws, enforce or ignore them. This President has ignored immigration law, has chosen not to enforce the law, all in the belief that this grandstanding he did today will somehow help a Democrat in 2016 be elected. The outgoing Congress is in the lame duck session until January 20. The new Congress will most likely do something. The first should be a bill limiting the scope of presidential memos or executive orders. Both parties can agree to that. I dont care what side of illegal immigration anyone is on. Coming across the border without a visa, fabricating documents to do so is illegal. A President has two roles: Foreign policy and protecting our borders. Not ignoring laws for political benefit. That simply means we elected someone without honor. It doesnt matter that a president is frustrated with Congress. Many probably are, but not one has the authority to take power away from another branch. We do not have kings, we do not have socialism, communism or dictatorships. We have a Republic. Our representatives need to uphold their Oath of Office, which is to the United States Constitution. What say you?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:47:41 +0000

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