So here comes a new year, a fresh slate, a time to repurpose your - TopicsExpress


So here comes a new year, a fresh slate, a time to repurpose your efforts for the better and Ive got an idea! Im going to write down the places I want to improve myself, goals/dreams I want to accomplish and things I want to experience. Im asking for your help because after all were friends or at least I want to be and I want you to hold me accountable for what will soon follow. At the end of each week Im going to post the same list and the progress Ive made in each goal, if I dont please harass me until I get back on track. Im challenging you to do this as well, make a list and get your friends to hold you to your goals! Rules of the game: Name your goal, why do you have it, how do you plan on accomplishing it. Here goes my aspirations for 2015. 1. I want to get rid of my debt and improve my credit. Between college loans and some medical bills Im close to 15k in the hole. This stresses me out more than anything in the world and will be a huge weight off my shoulders if I can accomplish this. Obviously I have to set coin away to do this but if your good at this type of stuff and have any tips Im all ears! 2. I want to start a foundation. What kind of foundation you ask? In the spirit of my Dad Id love to get something started that helps people. Pretty broad statement but the old man didnt really discriminate when it came to helping someone. My idea is help out kids in need, support good causes all over, show some love to the first responders, homeless outreach, help out youth group missions groups (Im looking at you Jason Coache) Just an all around good organization that promotes helping others kinda like the great family behind EpicGood. How can I accomplish this? With your help if you think this is something youd be interested in give me a shout and if you have any expertise in doing things like this or have an idea we can try let me know! 3. I want better relationships with the people around me. This starts at home with my mom Christine King Gabriel and sister Danielle Gabriel, I know we put a lot of strain on each other but at the end of the day I love you both more than youll ever know. I want to know how the people in my life are doing. Im so tired of the conversations that start and end at whats up? Nothing much. Lets talk real, tell me your goals, aspirations, crazy stories, tell me when your mad, happy, upset, and depressed (I promise Ill do the same.) I want to be a better friend plain and simple. Kyle Fox, Read Capron, Tom Swift, Mx Kenney, and A.J. Falletta your basically my brothers Im looking forward to chilling when we can. Even if were just casual friends screw it say hey! 4. Working hard for a full time job in my dream career. More applications and hopefully more interviews. 🙏 5. Id like to become part of the forest fire service and maybe take the EMT course. The first responder thing, I love it. Gotta keep staying the course. 6. Get in really, really good shape. Ive been athletic but Id like to see what its like being in the best shape of my life. Make a conscious effort to get better everyday. 7. I want to mentor/coach some kids. Helping out at youth group opened my eyes to this, little guys are funny, theyll make you crack up, youll learn things from them, and theyll learn from you. Steering a kid in the right direction thats some good stuff. Hoping to get back to helping out maybe even coaching here and there. 8. I want to be real with my friends and family. Guess what here it is. Accountability post each week.👌 9. Live life like Jimmy Valvano. If youve never seen the Jimmy V speech stop everything your doing now and watch it! Im not ashamed to say it brings a tear to my eye. Laugh, think, and have your emotions moved to tears everyday. Think about whats important in life where you started, where you are, and where your going to be. Enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. Keep your dreams alive in spite of whatever problems you may have. Rest easy Jimmy V you were a hell of a man! 10. Be thankful for everyday, plain and simple its a gift and I dont want to waste what precious time Im here. Love with all my heart. Couple other things I want to accomplish in 2015... Skydiving for sure, go snowboarding way more thats some fun stuff, fish and spearfish more because being on the water is amazing, most importantly spend time with my friends. There it is, what I need to work on and what I want to accomplish in 2015. Now its your turn. Hold me to my list and Ill hold you to yours!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:15:46 +0000

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