So here goes . . .after reading the Bethany Republican-Clipper - TopicsExpress


So here goes . . .after reading the Bethany Republican-Clipper from this week, I had a lot of mixed emotions on the Letter to the Editor. I felt offended . . I felt irritated . . .I felt bad for my friend, Phil Conger (the editor) for receiving such a letter .. bust most of all, I felt sorry for the author---Gary D. Long (I have no idea who he is, but that is the name attached to the article.) Every time that he mentions the word “Christian,” I’d like to replace it with the word religious. Why would I want to do that? Well . . in my opinion, there is a major difference between being “religious” and being “Christian.” There are certainly a lot of people that are “religious”, including Mr. Long, but I would say they are a far cry from being what I consider to be “Christian.” This group of “religious” fanatics consists of the people that you see pointing fingers every day and judging all of their peers for all of their actions or for the way they were BORN. It is this same group that like to “cherry pick” the Bible and use a few lines in a text that was written many centuries ago in a different time and a different place and use those lines as a weapon to attack other people. These people preach and preach to those they consider unholy or beneath them and then turn around and do worse things in their own lives than you and I ever thought of doing. Hypocrite is defined as a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. I believe that this definition sums it up best as it applies to this group of “religious” folks----oh and by the way, the Westboro Baptist Church and its followers would also be included in this group and I’m sure they have a Membership Drive coming up so maybe Mr. Long can get in on the action and join. I know that there are always going to be differing opinions when it comes to controversial topics but the difference between Mr. Long and I, is that I respect the opinions of everyone----even those who do not agree with me. Also, while I have my opinion, I do not try to push it off on someone else and condemn the person for believing something else---for this reason, I am posting this on MY Facebook page. I delete people that post things that I habitually do not agree with----I respect their opinions and I do not try to convince them to change---I just try my best to not subject myself to it. Therefore, if any of my Facebook friends find my post offensive or find yourselves wanting to post something condemning me or someone else, please be my guest and delete me from your friends list. This post is getting tedious so I will wrap it up here. All I know is this----I spent many, many days and hours in Sunday School and church and the God that I learned about loves all of his children. He created each and every one of his children in his own image. We can stand here all day and live strictly from every word that the Bible says and that’s fine----there will be no tattoos, dyed hair, shellfish, clothes made from woven threads, divorces, and grab me a couple of slaves and bring me some stones so I can stone all of the women to death that are unwed and not virgins and we’ll be good to go. My point is if you’re going to quote and supposedly live by the Bible, then remember to use all of the Bible and not just cherry pick a few verses that seem to help further your cause---remember what the Bible says about being judgemental—don’t forget it is included in there too. To Mr. Long and others who follow his “religious” doctrine---I’ll be praying for you—come over some evening and we’ll have Bible study. God Bless You!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:02:54 +0000

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