is a good example of why I really dont get along well - TopicsExpress

   is a good example of why I really dont get along well in the real world, and the entire insanity of how things work drives me to want to go postal.Was a slow day at the cleaners since it will be a holiday weekend and sandy brought her girls down to the store. I decided to be nice grandpa dave as they call me even though I am not related. Knowing what type of ice cream treats the girls like I stop at Dairy Queen in Columbia . Go in and start ordering some concoction called a blizzard for each girl with different things poured into ice cream. I dont like things mixed into my ice cream so last thing ordered is twist ice cream in a medium blizzard cup. The person behind the counter informs me they cant sell me a 24 oz cup of twist ice cream , but they can sell me a bowl, a sundae size cup, a 16 oz cup, or I can purchase a quart of twist but I cant get a 24 oz paper( blizzard) cup of twist ice cream . I say.... hmmmm ok???? Can I get any type of ice cream in my blizzard??? Person behind counter... yes Me I can order a medium blizzard with either vanillia, chocolate, or twist ice cream , and whatever garbage I want added? Person behind counter ....yes Me...ok so charge me for whatever blizzard you want and just give me a medium cup of twist ice cream Counter person..... I cant do that Me can I have a manager or somebody else? Them. I am Me ok............ Looking at board.......... I find the most expensive damn blizzard on the list. I say can I get such and such blizzard with twist ice cream?? They say yes. I say ok give me that with twist ice cream .But I have allergies what all is in that blizzard? As they start rattling off the ingredients I say.....I cant have that , I cant have that, hold that, no cant have that either, so just put whatever is left in the cup. Counter person looks at me perplexed charges me for my entire order, fills my entire order including the 24 oz cup with twist ice cream that I was told they couldnt do 20 minutes earlier, and I leave like I just did a Jedi mind trick on a complete moron. By the time I get home every night I am to the point of just banging my head against the wall.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:42:23 +0000

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