So here is a good question. The bible tells us to be humble and of - TopicsExpress


So here is a good question. The bible tells us to be humble and of lowly stature. But yet some of us are clearly more skillful in different areas of life. What is the correct choice, Use the skills that God gave you to the fullest and risk losing friends because youre not afraid to stand out and be noticed and let the light shine for all to see. (Most see this as arrogance and bragging, but could it not be determination to keep ones self at the pinnacle?) Or is it better to lower your own standards in order to humble yourself before others and risk losing skill in what ever it is you are good at? (Most Christians would call this humility which it is but once more could this not also be one of Satans plots to make us weaken ourselves by using the word against us like he tried to do t Jesus on the mountain top?) Just some food for thought, but I would also like to know the answer. Is there a middle ground where you can still be the best yet some how also be humble and if so how is that possible, because as far as I can see it is an oxymoron. Thanks in advance.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 07:47:20 +0000

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