So here is a thought for you all. Whether you believe in aliens, - TopicsExpress


So here is a thought for you all. Whether you believe in aliens, Christianity, magic, or whatever, each of the belief systems throughout the world tells a tale of when human woman mated with godlike men. In these stories, something happened to wipe out these offspring since they were not supposed to have ever been created.... Yet the world population did not die. More than what is said to have survived actually did survive. So... If 1% or more of the human population are to be descendants of Genghis Kahn, just how many of us are actually descendants of these offspring. Have you ever looked around at all the people in the world and separated the population of the world into two different categories? There are people that have an intelligence and even a physical look and social manner to them that seems a little primitive and behind in times. Dont get me wrong, these people are no less intelligent than the other group. The secret to their slack is actually that they do not contain the one thing within them that would help them equal out. They dont actually have the knowledge within them that humanoids or intelligent life forms other than humans here on earth, actually exist. A lot believe they do, but they dont actually know. Which puts blocks on their creative side to think outside the box and apply impossible situations to figure out a topic better. The other class has this knowledge built into their DNA. These creatures were not actually created in the same way as the humans of earth were. They were born of earth mortals, but are half alien or godlike or angelic. Whatever the case may be that fits your belief. Now to set the table right for those of you that belief in Catholic or Christian belief. No where in any scripture does it ever state that God created the angels. Angels were of Gods race and intelligence. And it has been proven that the knowledges of one generation actually pass to the next in some amount, whether they were taught by the previous generation or not. The knowledge we possess at the time of our offspring a conception is fused in its own way to the DNA code that forms between the parents within the offspring. And believe it or not, although Hitler and many others before him thought that tainted blood was impure and unworthy, the fact remains the contrary. Breeding between the two races provides the absolute best mix for intelligence. Someone who already possesses both will learn differently and different lessons than someone without both. Therefore, mixing the two classes will always offer the optimal intel pattern in the offspring code. Now this is in a way my own theory, but by means of mathematical operation and science, this theory can be proven as effectively, if not more so, the religion and other faiths throughout the world. Seriously think about it. Be truthful with yourself in classifying yourself if you attempt to do so. Then aim for the absolute opposite of yourself if you ever plan to reproduce. I believe with all if my heart and soul that doing so will help create a world of strong and intelligent beings that the earth has never known before. I mean, come on, if we knew exactly how god or aliens did what they did, we would already be more intelligent than they are, because we already have the code built with that intelligence, and also the added knowledge of actual experience throughout the tests.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:42:18 +0000

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