So here is something that happened to me today. It is POURING - TopicsExpress


So here is something that happened to me today. It is POURING rain, and Im trying to run through the parking lot at the mall, carrying Laney (who is covered up with a jacked). Im wearing flip flops and the water is ankle deep in some places (that is not hyperbole, it really was). So, I get almost to the curb, and some douchebag in a small SUV (or car, or Car-UV) starts backing up to the sidewalk, not even paying attention to the lady trying to walk with the baby. So I yell REALLY?!?! and he stops, so I think he is letting me go, and start walking again, when he starts backing agin. So (much to my moms chagrin), I yell REALLY YA F%*&???, and start to walk towards the front of the car to go around him. And he starts pulling forward (I cant make this crap up). I was SO angry I almost kicked his car. So I, again, scream some obscenities, and just stand there, in the POURING rain, holding my two year old while this douche gets close enough to the curb to where his wife wont get so wet while getting in the car. Apparently my mom was speaking with his wife and his wife felt quite bad. I think I maybe should have kicked the douches car or something. I was really mad (and wet).
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:02:02 +0000

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