So here it is: Scott is stopping the Temodar (chemo drug) and is - TopicsExpress


So here it is: Scott is stopping the Temodar (chemo drug) and is going to have a port placed later this week. He is going to start an intravenous chemo drug next week. He will do three days of chemo every three weeks. This will be much harder hitting, as far as symptoms go. He will be at greater risk for infection as his counts will likely drop from the chemo. He will also likely do some targeted radiation at the base of his spine where the mass has grown. Now the hard part: His outlook is not good. His doctor is willing to sign on a terminal illness rider on our life insurance policy which requires a statement from the doctor stating he has six months or less. She also discussed with us that we should start to consider end-of-life decisions, such has resuscitation and life support. And thats pretty much the outlook were looking at. We werent expecting this to happen for quite a while. We were so hopeful, especially with his last scan. This is hard hitting news that is really bringing our mood down. Scott is very upset and angry. I am just beside myself. Part of me is staying busy, taking charge. Another part of me is screaming inside and wants to break down.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:47:03 +0000

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