So here it is almost 11 pm and it is so completely quiet in the - TopicsExpress


So here it is almost 11 pm and it is so completely quiet in the house :(. So I decide to shampoo the area rug in the kitchen and then it dawned on me this is it this is silence something I have dreamed about for a long time OMGOODNESS I cannot stand it. I made me realize that in a few short days the kids will all be going back to school. I have to register Ryan for Pre-K tomorrow morning the time sure has flown bye so quickly. I have pretty much always had children in the house since I meet my husband over 30 years ago the sounds of little people have been in my head er my feet in the bathroom at least one or two when I just want to be in there alone, I know that it may sound a bit silly but I finally realize that all that noise and all those questions and can I have or he did she did are all growing up way way to fast. I never expected or want to have children but they sure have been a true gift each one unique in their own way, each one a pain in their own way and each one so very special in their own way. Each and everyone of them have shared their joy, tears, fears and their happy, sad and anger with me I think that I have been blessed by all the children whether they are mine biologically or not. It is true there is not better or worse journey in life. Now with all that said good night all going to be a long and sad yet a happy day
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 04:05:50 +0000

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