So heres a rant... or a short novel, whichever you prefer: In - TopicsExpress


So heres a rant... or a short novel, whichever you prefer: In 2010, I signed a record deal with Tooth and Nail Records. ...and it was a dream come true. Being given the chance to put out music on the same record label as some of my favorite bands and being able to walk in to any retail store in America (and some globally) and buy it still blows my mind. (..............that was a really long sentence) It all started when I was a kid listening to The O.C. Supertones on my way to my old friends church youth group... I fell in love with the band and noticed the little Tooth and Nail logo on the back of the cd. For some reason, that little logo always stuck in my mind. At the time I didnt even know what a record label was, but as years went by, I became obsessed with more T&N bands like Underoath and Anberlin. Being in a band and getting signed to a real RECORD LABEL always seemed like a pipe dream or something out of a movie like That Thing You DO... BUT SOMEHOW IT HAPPENED. I still dont know why they ever gave a few long haired guys from Michigan a chance, but they did... and it went great. We toured for 4 years, put out two albums Im proud of, and met so many incredible people. (one time I walked past Jack Black in Austin, Texas, I think he looked at me.... or maybe it was the crowd of paparazzi surrounding him idk *cool story bro*) however, as time progressed, as we got older, as some of us got married, and as we saw the music industry from a different perspective, me and the guys just felt like doing this next album without a record label made the most sense. That brings me to my point... we are officially independent and in just 8 days you guys have helped me and my little band raise over $2900 to help us record our next album. We are so blown away and thankful by your support (and we still have until November 4th to raise money! crazy...) Being UNSIGNED is new and exciting for me. Its like im my own boss again. haha. I know to a lot of musicians that probably sounds insane, but there are so many artists doing incredible things WITHOUT record labels these days. The internet is a crazy place but can be SO USEFUL to little bands like us... Anyways, I promise you, the music we have written for this upcoming album is the best music weve been a part of. I cant wait for yall to hear it. Side note: thank you guys so much for digging our new song,Hypocrite and especially thank you to 89X The Only New Rock Alternative for playing it three weeks in a row now... That song WILL be on the new album and honestly, It doesnt even compare to how awesome some of the other tracks are. (AGAIN, we have 3 weeks left for you to join our team and purchase our upcoming record. Every cent helps us be able to afford recording this thing on our own. Ill post a link to the website where you can buy our album in the comments. Much love! -B)
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:20:49 +0000

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