So heres an exchange from a disgruntled, would be, Newfoundland - TopicsExpress


So heres an exchange from a disgruntled, would be, Newfoundland Owner; posted on our Business Face Book Account. Thought I would share this. Im proud of myself for handling this criticism so well. lol Dave Theresa Viti: to everybody who wants a dog from these people dont do it we went there sunday and picked a pup out and made a deal and signed a contract and to confirm on wednesday on picking the puppy up , we called today tuesday and he told me he sold it well he didnt tell me him self he had his wife tell me cause he didnt have the balls to tell me he told me sunday it wasnt about the money as long as the pups had a good home to go to Me: Well I guess you can please some of the people some of the time, but you sure cant please all the people all of the time. Me: Lets review facts, or my side of the story for what it is worth. 1) There was no contract signed, and if there was, then their would have been a deposit. 2) I advised them that I would hold a certain pup for them, but, it is always a first come first serve basis, especially without a deposit; if I could get a dollar for every prospective new dog owner that told me they would return our call, please hold this and that and never follow through. I could give our pups away. 3) We did receive two separate phone calls from the Vitis after they picked out a puppy. One of them to confirm that the breed was Newfoundland and wasnt mixed with anything, because of their white markings. (For those of you that know us, we explain markings, colors and what to expect in detail during the screening process) The second call was basically an insult asking/telling Renee that was she sure the one Landseer litter did not come from our 8 month old Great Pyrenees female. We dont give pups to wishy-washy people. Not to mention people that were getting a wonderful Newfoundland for half the original cost and able to make monthly payments. How much more do I need to offer, then get insulted by telling us we are passing an animal off as something it isnt. Another thing; it is never about the money, well sometimes it is, lol, but it is definitely all about our pups going to solid, good homes that folks arent questioning our Pedigree in one breath and then wanting to take one of our pups home in the other. As for the phone call, how many people or times does it take to tell someone, sorry, you arent one of the families that we feel comfortable giving one of our pups to? The pup was sold, sorry for the inconvenience. And, for those folks that know us, until a contract is signed, and the puppy is actually out our door, we reserve and proudly hold the right to deny anyone for any reason one of our puppies, with no excuses. And another thing, North Country Canine Services is owned and operated by both my wife and I. It would cease to exist without my wifes commitment, energy and dedication. She has all the authority to say yay or nay to any decision made. Another thought, I think it rather immature and vindictive to try to convince others to not purchase one of our puppies solely on the grounds of a poor business transaction. Therefore I refer to my first comment regarding this issue. Viti Family, we wish you well.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:49:31 +0000

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