So heres chapter 2!!! CHAPTER 2!!!!!! Danika welcomes us - TopicsExpress


So heres chapter 2!!! CHAPTER 2!!!!!! Danika welcomes us when we walk in and looks even happier when she sees the squirrels. I shot them! Dahlia squeals nearly drowning out our ears. Ill cook them and Aster could you brew up some herbs please Danika asks. Since the Institute took our fathers life away and my mother ran away when I was 12 Danika, as our oldest sister, is the closest thing to parent me and Dahlia have. Dan I dont have any herbs but Ill go back out and get some dont call me Dan! And okay sure but be back before dark Danika is way too serious and over protective. I want to come! Dahlia nearly shakes the house down with her yelling. No Dal you cant stay here and skin the squirrels its too dangerous to go at this time Danikas reply makes her screeches ten times louder. But-But B I said no! Danika cuts Dahlia off in the middle of a sentence. I dont get the pleasure to hear the rest of the argument before I slam the door behind me. Finding herbs in the woods wouldnt be as hard if there was nothing poisonous but luckily for me I have a small handbook I always keep in my pocket so I can identify the good herbs and the ones that will kill me faster than a bullet to the head. I grab some roots along the way. Labour halfway through my everlasting search for something to eat I spot a silver object glinting in the moonlight. I didnt realise it was dark. I run over to the object and realise its a knife. Not just any knife. A bronze plated knife with a brown leather handle. I tuck it in my belt and set on my long journey home. I managed to scavenge enough herbs to feed us for the night. The route home is long and twisty but I arrive home an hour later. Excuse me Aster what time do you think it is? I hear Danikas stern voice as soon as I open the door. Ummm 5:30? The confusion in my voice annoys Danika even more. No! 6:00? My reply angers her and I think shes about to yell. Loud. ITS 9:30PM! Oh well Im sorry but look what I found reaching for the knife I realise its gone. What is it your looking for? An explanation the sarcasm in her voice implies shes no longer mad. no if found a knife, its gone then I spot it on the floor. Look! I shout. Hmmm its a beautiful knife but it doesnt seem helpful. She reaches to chop a root with it and nothing happens it goes on until eventually shes trying to saw through it see Aster its not useful it doesnt even cut her reply both disappoints and confuses me Im going to keep it in case It has a usefulness in it thats yet to be discovered. okay Aster, whatever she talks to me in a tone that implies she thinks Im an idiot but in fact I probably know more than her. I hear our front door open then slam shut seconds later. I worry for a second as we dont get visitors very often I calm once again when I realise Its just Dahlia. Silence. Hey Asty! Hey Dani! She bursts out. She always hated silence. I take a deep sigh. How could you Dahlia Rose Smith! She knows this is bad when I say her full name. what did I do wrong? Her question angers me on a level I didnt know it was possible. Lets see you left Dani to go to Sashas when we tried our best to make this a special night since were about to be taken to a sick, twisted, deadly house that will probably kill us and you dont even care I take a long deep breath to shake of all my anger. After our last serving of squirrel and carrot stew we decide to go to bed. The night is restless for me but Dahlia seems to be fast asleep. May as well sleep while you can. Im seconds away from drifting of when theres a loud bang followed by footsteps on a wooden floor. Then my heart stops for a second as I see two men dressed in black suits. They whisper something to each other then pull a black object out of a coal black bag. Then swiftly creep over to Dahlias bed. I feel like Im going to loose my dinner as they are inches away from here face. I wish I could so something but Im frozen with fear. Then she awakes. I catch a slight glimpse of her petrified face just before they pick her up and shove her into the bag. 8 likes for chapter 3!!! - TheLivingMockingjay
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:08:15 +0000

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